The nostalgic goggles : He-Man

in #entertainment7 years ago



Now he is probably more known for the gay jokes you can make about the show, when I was a kid he was the bomb!

From action figures to a tv show and audio dramas everything was great.


Telling your mom for the 100th time that those are not barbies was annoying though

The story was pretty simple.

Prince Adam was living in Eternia and not many people knew he could turn into He Man by raising his sword and screaming

by the power of grayskull I have the power

He could even turn his cat friend Cringer into Battlecat



He-Man and his friends protected Eternia from the evil Skeletor and his henchmen


All had names like Beastman or Snakeman. It seemed to be important that they have man in the name.


A real life action movie came out 1987 starring Dolph Lundgren and the to this time unknown Courteney Cox.

I never saw it though and only heard a couple of times that is sucks and from what I have seen on youtube so far it really does.

He-Man was so successful that a spin-off was created. She-ra was his lost sister doing pretty much the same as her brother in a parallel universe.

I guess Mattel was aiming for girls.

I could never watch a lot of the cartoons but I remember they had an important lesson for kids at the end like sticking together and be nice etc.

Did you have the power of grayskull as a kid as well?

steem dream.gif


Damn, I also played a lot with Heman when I was small. I also understand the gay jokes now that I just wrote that sentence lol.

Anyways as long as he had his big sword in his hands there was nothing too gay about him haha


not sure about that though :-)

Ne oder?!
Ich hatte sogar die Action Figuren man!!!
Auch Battle cat und das als Mädchen!!!!

Kennste shira?!?!?! Das is he-mans sista! Die hat ich auch

Hab auch schön als kleiner piefke die Zeichentrick Filme morgens geguckt!

Cooler Post

Klar kenn ich she-ra war das gleiche nur mit brüsten :-)

Denke mal das kam auf RTL oder Tele 5? Das hatte ich leider lange nicht...

RTL war’s damals!
Voll falsch geschrieben hab ich den Namen...Hahahaha
Gab sogar folgen wo he-man und She-ra zusammentrafen!

Den 80er 90er Jahre Movie hab ich mir damals auch reingezogen!


Welch Erinnerungen dank dir heut früh!!!!


Ja kann ich mich sogar erinnern. Ein Weihnachtspezial und als sie rausfinden das sie Geschwister sind

jup. hach nice. schön als kind mit nutella schnitte vor der glotze gesessen....herrlich. hugs to ya flipstar.

Duncan aka Man-At-Arms!! 💪

I freaking love He-Man!!!! I watched the cartoon growing up!!

It did not show in Germany afaik I could only watch it at friends where the mum rented the video for us.

Had some of the figures though

It was better that the movie..haha

I bet :-)

you should see the live action movie anyway

Will do probably in the coming days

I hope you know that song?

Bondage Fairies - He Man

nein das kannte ich nicht

ich bin mir gerade unsicher ob ich es sau gut oder sau dumm finde :-)

Ich plädiere für sau gut. Ich war schon auf nem Konzert der Band und ich feiere fast jedes ihrer Lieder. Die sind großartig! 🤩

i remember watching him on the cartoon :D

good times

ich war früher oft halbtags bei der Familie von einem Freund untergerbracht. Die Eltern hatten Kohle und die Kids das ganze geile Spielzeug von He-Man und MASK usw. Geile Zeit!!! Heute spielen alle...ähm Smartphone?!

Hhaha das war bei mir ähnlich ich hatte am Ende ein paar Figuren während Kinder der einen Familie alle hatten + mask + transformers + dino riders

aber war halt auch nen win für mich da ich dort meistens war :-)

Mask hatte ich als nächste überlegt btw aber He Man war mein favorite

ja He-Man war schon der Favorite, wobei ich mask auch echt geil fand. und fernsehen natürlich die saber-riders 😉

oh und natürlich Marshall Bravestarr 😁

saber riders war die beste serie mit dem besten intro

so many nostalgic memories just revived

then I am doing my job :-)

..........I have the POWER! (echo)
sorry I forgot the first part - 'By the Power of the Greyskull....'
Man we seriously need a good movie for He-man. He is my childhood favorite. Hell, before my teens he out ranked superman in my eyes.

I dont really like Superman so they are on pace for me :-)

A good movie would be great though

I have seen so many video and people trying CGI for He-man, but somehow it just doesn't seem to go right. It's going to take a lot of imagination for them to pull it off but I am sure the returns could be very high. He-man is highly underrated by the Hollywood.
I also wonder the same about Dragon Ball.

Well there is a Dragonball movie ;-)

As long as they dont give He-Man to Michael Bay the childhood rapist, it could work for sure

Yeah. Seriously don't want Bay and his ilk near He-man. Even imagining it is a buzz kill.
Man that Dragon ball movie..........just want forget that it ever happened. I don't think they would ever be able make a movie for an anime. I think Ninja assassin is the only movie that came close to capturing the spirit of an anime and even then the movie is mediocre.

i read 20th episodes.this episode really amazing and educational.

Amazing gaming blog... after a while i'm seeing cartoon blog.☺ thanks for sharing. 👍

entertainment entertainment entertainment. it was good.there is so nice article use in this.keep it up.

very good entertainment

wow this is really amazing

This cartoon most liked kids.