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RE: TGIF WITH @jeaniepearl.......EPISODE 15

in #entertainment7 years ago

This is well packaged! Jenny, you are doing a good job here! Thank you for bringing my man to your show!

Thank you @amec for the love, i really appreciate all you've done for me. The genesis of my love for crypto can be traced to you. You and this damsel (@jeaniepearl) have really tried for me and I appreciate you guys for the love!

On the philosophy of life! My philosophy of life has always been: Live like the next minute is your last! This is my personal philosophy that is influenced by what i see on the streets on a daily basis. It is like a borrowed life and anything can happen any minute. What you do now - good or bad - counts and always try to choose good over bad!

Much love from me!



The philosopher has spoken
Thanks for contributing dear

One love bruh😍