So it arrived, the One X. Since I’ve pre-ordered it I got the scorpio edition, it’s a very limited release.
This is such a small console, kinda blew my mind. It’s on the heavy side though, those 6 teraflopz feels thick like a brick. This edition got a slick black to dark grey gradient all over it and the ‘project scorpio’ engravement.
The controller also got the project scorpio engravement and it comes with a stand to but the box vertically. At the moment it’s downloading some games, gonna take a while since those 4K updates bring a lot of GB’s. I’m hyped about the graphics and performance of halo 5 and especially forza 7 with hdr.. Until then, all I can watch is the glowing power button.
You finally have it! I’m glad you received it today man. It’s such a sleek device. So much power in such a small casing. Kind of incredible. Plus it’s super silent! That really surprised me. Game on!