'Prothom' song written by Sumon Barua, tweeted the protagonist of the film Imtiaz rains and music performed Masud Hasan Ujjal. Sumon has played the ball guitar along with the vocals. In the afternoon, in the evening of the 4th Sector in the capital, Suman's studio was supposed to contain the voice of the song. The first few lines of the song are 'Shayulita, the first drop, I'll get you on your feet,' / I have wet dew all night '.Sumon said, "Songs and tunes have been so much appreciated that I have agreed to sing after getting the offer from Ujjal. Earlier, some of the more popular songs were offered in the song, but I did not like the words and tunes. Now this was not the opportunity.As well as singing in the band, Suman gave voice to many singles. Sumon said, after receiving the offer to sing in 'Unpanchash Vaas', he felt that he has been singing for years, yet there are no songs in the film yet.
Prothom Alo
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