Edit: Let's turn this into a meme contest! Best submission of a meme calling out @krnel for being the "conscious", whiny, entitled crybaby he is, wins 50 SBD! Entries due by June 22 12:00 UTC.
All posts must be tagged with "krneltheentitledwhiner".
@krnel, this one is for you buddy!

Obvious winner here! 50 SBD coming your way in a bit! Congrats and that shit is hilarious!
thank you man.
lol :D
I guess you are too unconscious to understand that krnel is worth milking that reward pool with his BS 10,000 words posts about nothing. I mean, if not for him I might still believe that pseudo-spiritual people deserve a chance. So in a way, he thought us all a valuable lesson.
P.S. I might be an evil mofo, but I lol'ed at krnel crying once again. I suppose karma is a biatch.
Good to see you posting my friend! Its been a while!
what karma. what the hell did he do? i mean, its not just because he was writing spiritual bullcrap, was it? I dont care for guru's or christian spiritual posts, but i wouldn't flag that shit either. please tell me, you guys got more reasons than the crappy "look, im a pretentious lefty atheist and he is a homophobic religious nutjob" argument for this huge troll?
Now I did post a comment kinda consoleing kernl. But I think there are two sides to every push. I have supported most of your initiatives and I do believe you are looking out for the image of the community. If people don't like it, fork the code, remove his stake, run your own witnesses. Let's see what chain people choose :P...
I totally agree that 100000 word posts about nothing don't get the community very far; that is not what all of his posts are... I totally respect your right use your substantial stake however you choose. Do I totally agree with putting posts to 0.00, maybe not (I am of the mindset that if enough people put their eyeballs on content, and each throws just a fraction of a cent; content that is not spam should have a >0.00 post payout. Doesn't matter what I think though).
The problem is across the board he is still making some money. Where else would he be able to post that content and get money? Sure sometimes I feel some of my posts are "worth" more than voting reflected but in the end, I don't know where else I would be getting paid to share my (hopefully informed) opinions.
I'm sure as steem progresses to economic equilibrium everything will be okay in the end. Hope you keep funding more initiatives to grow this platform!
Of course I am, I just don't go posting and bragging about them. Most of my work is done behind the scenes.
The behind the scenes is the good work happening 🤙🏼
Oh I know you are! That's my whole point. You really are doing what is right for the community. Who cares if you piss a few off in the beginning - looking to the big picture.
Love the dedicated asshole. OG bad whale lmao.
And that's what I like about you sir.
Lol. Hey, Post a Link so we can understand a little better
what did you do now?
Here ya go, feel free to flag another post by king whiny bitch! https://steemit.com/steemit/@krnel/how-would-you-like-your-post-rewards-flagged-away-some-posts-even-down-to-0usd-is-this-the-steemit-you-support-campaign-to-stop
oh... lol. I see.
But Flagging isn't part of my business plan bernie
there are even worse dangerous pseudoscience and new agish trash bloggers who have been disproportionally rewarded. canadian-coconut, for example.
This user has been a disgrace of Steemit community since her first post. More of a disgrace are those whales who empower her (Just see on whose whales autovote list she has been).
It is actually a disgrace to whole humanity that such perpetrators of dangerous pseudoscience are so popular. The disgusting thing is that they brainwash children with this new agish or anti pharma bullshit like religious zealots (as seen on the photo in her last post).
Yes! You deserved it bernie!! Cheers! LOL
Support crypto cannabis industry again pls :]
Are you talking about a coin or a project? I might be interested..
I think a lot of us feel like that,i'm sure if we keep at it we will get what we want in life soon enough,just plant the seed and leave it to grow :)
We should submit this for that weekly contest where you come up with a unique tag. I like it!
1 vote for consciousness.
word! thanks I feel the damn bern!
I'm like 10X more conscious than you!
I'm so conscious I make most mere humans seem totally unconscious!!! I know this because I have God consciousness. God, as you might already know, knows everything.
I was stymied from a higher degree of artistic quality halfway through this process when I discovered I could not rotate the Minnow Support Group logo in less than 90 degree increments in MS Paint. As a result, the time to effort ratio here is way out of whack. Also, I am slightly ashamed of myself, only partially because I had to google "poop".
What is your full power upvote worth now? I'm curious
Hello my friend. Happy day. Beautiful post
hope to visit my support page and vote for me
Please stop spamming this on peoples posts. You obviously didn't even read the damn thing.
I apologize if the comment is not good brother
But I honestly did not understand the Post and therefore I wrote you a wonderful post
Thank you
I mean I'm sorry I wrote a comment wrongly
@berniesanders & @kyle.anderson
@mars9 is not a native English speaker