To become an entrepreneur is a good way of life that comes with hard work and huge gains and position you better, helping one feel excited with sleekly good humour of accoplishment in this competitive 21st century.
Entrepreneurship is not difficult in as much as one has diligence, very good idea and patience then you will smothly walk your way to the top and be your own boss and perform better than people will imagine.
As an entrepreneur, you need to set your own priorities and ask yourself some basic question such as what you really want in life as well as what you want in your business, how do you achieve your dreams and does this dream mean a lot to you? what are you willing to let go as in sacrifice to achieve this dreams?
Now put into considerations what you will need to make this dreams and priorities happen, is it money, time, studies etc
Becoming your own boss is a dream for a lot of people thus you need decide if your personality is best fit this as some peoople will do better when there are under authority or serving. you need to know how you will likely react to some situation that will assist you archieve your dreams.
Entrepreneurs most times have no backup thus are responsible for failure or success of their business one must check if he or she is comfortable with a lot of responsibilities. Entrepreneurs having no backup have to do a lot of customer service so you must check how good you are in interacting with people as this is one of the key factor which lead to customer relationship. Are you willing to accept failures and uncertainty? as most entrepreneurs at one point or the other have failed before but they rose up and found the right path, remember Edisin tried 50 thousand time before he could create the light bulb, that is the spirit of enterepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs are often faced with chalenges that require creative solutions thus an entrepreneur must striive on creative solutions to some problems, a high level of tolerance for frustration and the ability to think through problems make you better entrepreneur.
Having said this, all entrepreneur need to list their strengths, you must be very honest with yourself when it comes to listing your strength and weakness assumption must not take place here as this will be require day to day, as you discuss with potential investors, sell to cleints yo will always need to have a very clear idea of what your strenghts are so you can communicate this potential customers to others.
Lastly, always be determine to succeed, determination and energy will always scale you through the struggles you will face as a starting entrepreneur, be idealistic enough to believe in yourself but be pragmatic enough to examine the realities of your situation.
It's all about hard work and sacrifice, the two things that most people shy away from.
The world has changed and do has entrepreneurship.
yes boss
i agree with you, most people who face this become greater