Thanks for this post. I love seeing helpful and specific advise shared like this.
I have enjoyed being an entrepreneur for many years, and started by failing in one business after another. I think of failure as the price of an on the job education. You learn really well that way, so it isn't really failure, just corrective feedback. Now that I've been supported by my businesses for 10 years I can say it was all worth it.
I would never trade being an entrepreneur for the supposed security of a job. The greatest security now comes from knowing that if I need to earn more I can have a new idea, put it into action without anyone's permission, and see if it works. Great fun!
Nice to find you and just followed you to see more of your content. I am new so have few followers yet, but will gladly share your content as my following grows.
Thanks for the follow. I try to post a mix of travel and work stuff since I'm on the move a lot.
That's super cool that your business has supported you for 10 years. GOOD JOB! I hope I'll be able to say that some day.
A friend of mine nicely points is an advocate for entrepreneurship and points out that the security of a job isn't real, just someone else is getting the grind of the business and doesn't tell you about it. Your job could be gone tomorrow just as easily at a firm or corporation as it could be working for yourself.
Cool to see more and more entrepreneurs getting on Steemit. I'll follow you as well and hope to see some interesting stuff on your posts.