I am always concerned about entities within platforms suddenly deciding to delete my creations with no reason being given as to why they did it. I would hate for hours upon hours of my work being wiped from a platform. (Always make a copy!) It's just an element that nobody could expect from a platform.
This is why I've started Publishing on Hive before repurposing the article to my Personal Blog and finally to Medium. This method provides me with a sense of security that if some 'entity' decides to delete everything here then at least I have another version of it somewhere else.
- Is it redundant?
Yes. - Is it Time consuming?
Partially. - Is it worth it?
I think so.
I am also looking to provide an example to others that it is feasible to create on Web 3 and repurpose it to Web 2 platforms and that I am the originator of the creation and the proof is on the Blockchain.
I am using the tools available to spread my message and goal while attempting to show off the benefits and unique aspects that Web 3 to Web 2 has to offer creators.
Having proof of Ownership with Original Creation, be it a blog post, piece of art, or music, is becoming more important to secure now with so many companies and applications 'disregarding' the rights of creators to benefit their services.
Let me know what you think!
I often say, "Use the tools. Own everything." Using social media or blogging platforms is great until you wake up one day and your account has been blocked or deleted.
Which is why your process of originating on Hive then repurposing on traditional web and social makes sense. I also believe in downloading your data from traditional social media sites. Just in case.