They say it can't be done review

I liked this movie, because it had a lot to do with what I really want to do with my business. I want to start little businesses then sell them and then have one main business I would like to sell to the government to help with the mental health problem in America. Since I want to try to sell something to the government this really was helpful. Just to see how the government works around people and such. Now the main thing I took away. It has to do with ambition. These people had so many obstacles to get through to make this happen. It was also a new issue. We have seen these movies focus on customers, trying to beat major companies, betrayal, and lastly people not wanting to try new things. This one uses the government as the main obstacle. I am pretty sure I have said it in every paper so far, but passion. You have to be passionate about what you do. Not even just entrepreneurs, but everyone. If you are passionate it will help when the obstacles come around. My best comparison to this would be scientist and their devotion to their work. Many of scientists spend every of every year to make their work become true. Many of them go crazy, lose families, and lose much more just to make their life's work succeed. Now I am not saying you need to be this passionate, but still it will help. I love how all of these movies have showed the failures and all the work they have to do. A lot of times you have an idea that you believe will change the world, or break the internet, but it won't be that easy. these movies have brought a reality check in for me. These people didn't just have adversity they had the whole US government against them. That has to be scary. Going against he United states government just so you can get what you have worked, so hard for. These people didn't just turn away they stood up to them. Which I believe many of people wouldn't do. This is also the first one, that I can recall right now, that dealt with a whole group, A group makes things harder, but also some things easier. I am sure when the adversity came along it was much easier to face the United states government with a group rather than alone. Also a group provides many of different opinions and options for how to approach things. Having a boog group though can lead to people getting left out, or being scared to voice their ideas if the majority is leaning one way. it would take a special group of people to make something like this work. I don't think I could open a business or create something with a bog group. Some people or a few voices helping me? Yes, that is the way I would prefer it. The fact they did this with a group is still incredible and shows the passion and commitment these people had.