This movie was different from the others. It has something sadly called reality in it. Reality sucks it can hold you back, because the world is real and not make believe. When you want to make a business you are bound to fail. Every entrepreneur I have talked to has told me about their failures. After hey failed they either gave up or kept trying. one of my old high school teachers failed 3 times before he got where he wanted. Still months after it started getting good 9/11 happened ad it was all for nothing. Years and years of work just to be destroyed in one day. Also when you make your business there are most likely other businesses in the same industry you are in. Some not very well established and some running the industry. In the movie he couldn't keep up with the big, well known companies so he business failed. Even thought he saw it as an achievement he ultimately failed. He had a lot of changes he wanted to make when he made his new car. I loved how he had what he thought would make cars better and he pursued it. He ran with it and dreamed of making it happen. I believe society has a huge effect on entrepreneurship and it shows in this movie. Especially in the car industry. People hate change. I feel like also in cars this is huge. When something has been working for so long and a new car comes around with different things it may scare people away and make them not even want to try it. People being scared of change could ruin a persons idea or business. A change that you think can change everything could turn a person away from your product completely. So while you think you are trying to make something better or progressing something, they see it as something to immediately ignore or bypass. because it is change. Humans fear of change causes so many bad things, because we could be so much more far ahead, but we are scared. I never realized how much your idea has on others. You could do everything you had to do, but if the people are too scared to try it or just don't want to you will never succeed. I believe thats the problem he ran into. He came so close to his dream starting a factory, getting the money, and generated the demand. He even got some people could drive and everything, but like I touched on earlier he had to shut it down. He said they accomplished their dreams, but for me I see it as a failure. That may be bad of me to say, but I want my business to last until I am dead and gone. Only getting a couple of cars out to me isn't success. My dream would be to have it go on forever and keep progressing with time. This movie showed me you could do everything and fail. Also there are components to you making it work then just you. Others around you have to be interested too.