These readings in my opinion were describing what an entrepreneur is, or at least trying too. Each one opens with how they describe an entrepreneur or what it is to be one. My opinion though is that you can't put a definition on a entrepreneur. In the first reading on page 1 it states, "Professionals who work closely with them and researchers who study them have often speculated about what makes entrepreneurs “entrepreneurial” I don't think researching them is useful at all. In every entrepreneur class I have been in one of the first things we talk about is if an entrepreneur is made or born that way. Every time you basically have a split between the class about it. I say it is both, but when we research it you can over complicate things. Some people are born just coming up with a new idea every second and if that fails they have another idea, and then another. While some people at some point in their lives just see a problem and then come up with a solution. I think there is no reason to try and determine it. Then in one of the non primary reads you have around 33 authors all giving their own definitions. This is why you can't define it. Everyone has their own understanding of what an entrepreneur is. Carland opens one of his articles with, "If entrepreneurs exist as entities distinct from small and large organizations and if entrepreneurial activity is a fundamental contributor to economic development, on wha bases may entrepreneurs he separated from nonentre-preneurial managers in order for the phenomenon of entrepreneurship to be studied and understood? This reading in particular to me sound like they all look at entrepreneurs as like a mythical beast of some sort. When in reality we are just humans who come up with ideas and act on them. Some people can't come up with ideas and may feel the need to study them, because entrepreneurs have so many. Why do that though? It is just a normal part of being a human in all reality. i think one of the main reasons people don't get entrepreneurs or are so fascinated with them is because it is a very stressful thing to do. Most people work to be put into a business that os how the world works now. People got to school get a degree and go to the best 9 to 5 they can find. It is just what the social norm for humans have become and thats how it has been for generations now. Entrepreneurs stray far away from that path. That don't want to find a normal 9 to 5 where you sit and doing nothing all day. One where your next big promotion is atleast 5 to 10 years away. One where your boss could just never leave if he didn't want too. Entrepreneurs want to be their own boss and control every part of the business they thought of. Where as most people would rather get thrown in and not deal with most of these things that an entrepreneur has to deal with. I don't think they can understand how you can have a safe and very normal job that everyone else has and decide to make your own. You fail its on you, it doesn't work its on you and if you lose money it is on you. That leads me to my next point where I think a lot of people are scared of it. Not many people would take a risk like that. It to risky and that is the main thing that separates people from entrepreneurs. There really is no science behind it one is willing to take risks and one isn't. It written right out in front of them. In reading 2 it talks about the twelve distinctive themes in an entrepreneur. The first 3 they used were: 1. The entrepreneur is the person who as-
sumes the risk associated with uncertainty.
- The entrepreneur is the person who supplies
financial capital. - The entrepreneur is an innovator.
The first one on that list is exactly what I am saying about risks. Entrepreneurs are some of the only people to do this thing. You may say its just a risk whats the big deal? The big deal is this can put your family on the line, your kids on the line, and your whole life in jeopardy if you are not careful. I have seen this happen before actually, but if this happens they don't give up. They lift their heads up and go right back at it again.