"We miss some of the important details when we focus on trying to maintain what we currently have rather than how we can improve upon it to stay ahead of the competition."
I really liked your statement right here. I feel like it is a timeless statement and a major human flaw sometimes I think. Whether we continue to try to maintain it because it's making a profit or we are just so committed top it that we lose sight of better avenues that we could take. Even though we as humans seem like we are changing all the time it is a very slow process and sometimes our old processes have to become obsolete before we decide to make the change or even realize it is time to make a change and sometimes when you start seeing the ground shake from a problem or the onset problems that have developed from that problem it's too late at that point.
From Bylund's reading you of course notice he repeated point that in order to consume we must produce which makes sense in any setting because if everyone just consumed there would be nothing left and our economy if not us wouldn't last long. I like your point to Entrepreneurs having a connection to their product, but I think Bylund meant the inherent satisfaction that comes from producing something desired by people, but both make sense. If you don't enjoy what you do then it won't be as fulfilling either. AN example for that would be I do landscaping and I do not enjoy the work much, but the end result when it's prettier from my toil and the customer loves it that gives me satisfaction from producing something desirable for them, but I mainly just do it for the money, because I think that I could make more money running my own business and being in charge of my time then giving it up to someone else for a by the hour wage. It's difficult though because I'm in charge of everything and the business doesn't move unless I do. Sometimes I have had a good worker to give me a little break, but I am always responsible for the work when they get burned out and I haven't met anyone who wants to work longer than a couple months because it's hard.