Peer Review #1
Quote”Laws can be made to help some people but will cost other people.”
I agree with the statement in general because it coincides with Newton’s third law, “for every action there is a reaction.“ I don’t think every law is so extreme, for example, school buses stopping at railroad crossings, but people will still have to stop behind them. Then of course you have your extreme examples of abortions and in my case weed prohibition which where morally incorrect abortion is weed was just for money. I think the problem comes from greed and then our leaders think way too broadly. There will always be a pull and take to every decision law makers make so that's why citizens have to be active. Our leaders should be more focused on the bigger picture and the gain they are creating for our country rather themselves. I really liked your views.
Quote”The world is run by people who are greedy for power no matter how you look at it and Bastiat was correct when talking about all the different ears having different rules, but the same concept still applies, every ruler or leader is greedy for power and benefits.”
I think the real problem is with how we select our leaders because that is the source of everything. It’s generally the people hungry for power or influence that aspire to these positions which generally are not the most wholesome people. Generally being manipulative and conniving people to get what they desire. I think the system is designed in a wholistic manner and set up to be ran in a way that tries to benefit people, but it’s all about the people. I agree the government needs to be focused on the good of the country rather than themselves. But it this a problem of the government or are we jut innately selfish people?
The laws should be made to help people who need it and those who don’t should be able to omit themselves. I agree with your view on abortion. It shouldn’t be the right of the government to take away something like that, it’s not their place. After they did that, it really showed the whole country that politicians think they have the power to practically play God. Which comes from them generalization every situation and that is simply just not reality, and it’s crazy to think we elected people who can’t take into the perspective of the many different situations that their laws effect they wouldn’t be so quick to act. Lack of diversity in office, and just overall life experience I feel like is where it comes from followed by different agendas and what have you. The only thing that could ever change it is men or women who lack greed could somehow get in office. Boy the things they could do. Which I believe will eventually happen because I’m an optimist and I don’t let negative thoughts enter my inner matrix.