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RE: What is the Economy?

I thought your discussion of the market and economy concepts and how individuals view them was outstanding. You clearly absorbed the information given to us in your article, which was highly informative. I noted your points of agreement and disagreement, and I felt that you did a very good job with supporting your statements with information from the article. The market can be a very tricky topic to tackle, but I thought you explained it well and made some very good points. I also really liked that you discussed the role of the market and economy in society, because after all, the most important thing is for us as a society to learn more and more about this topic, so we can be educated and apply it in our everyday lives.

I personally believe that humans are naturally flawed, self-centered, and evil.

When I first read this quote I thought had to read it again to find the meaning, but I happen to very much agree with it. I believe that we are born selfish. When we are young we rely on other people to take care of us, so we are selfish. It is so crucial that we find good things and good people to surround ourselves with while growing up so that we can continue to grow as people and become the non selfish version of ourselves that we all strive for. It is up to us to grow and find what we are passionate about in society, so I thought you did a very good job including this in your article.
I also liked that you discussed how Bylund was very short and simple when he first discussed the economy, it can be very tricky to get in to so it is important to think of it in a simple way to get started.

Overall I felt that your article was very well thought out and planned. I felt that it was very easy to follow and read, with your use of block quotes, and the overall layout that you choose to go with. I also thought your picture at the top was very good because it points to lots of different things representing how much the economy is in our society every day.