'Inconvenient' - Al Gore's Home Devours 34 Times More Electricity Than Average U.S. Household by Tyler Durden

in #environment8 years ago

On Friday, Al Gore’s sequel to “An Inconvenient Truth” – “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” – arrives in movie theaters across the country. But there’s another inconvenient sequel worth noting and, like most sequels, this one is even worse than the original.

Gore’s hypocritical home energy use and “do as I say not as I do” lifestyle has plunged to embarrassing new depths.

In just this past year, Gore burned through enough energy to power the typical American household for more than 21 years, according to a new report by the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Continue reading: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-03/inconvenient-al-gores-home-devours-34-times-more-electricity-average-us-household



He was a joke from the start, just like the Paris accord. They are all controlled by the elite band of thugs.

You gotta have a lot of brass to be able to live in a home like this:


.......and still tell other people that they are using too many resources.

i followed,follow and upvote

i followed,follow and upvote

When I saw him driving around in a Lincoln SUV in the first film, I knew it was a scam.

Yeah, this guy is just lining his pockets with FUD and will disappear into obscurity until the third installment.

Just taking this opportunity to say "THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING ME"

What a fraudster! No wonder they want everyone to cut back on energy use---Al Gore needs it to keep the lights on in his energy-guzzling palace!