When we say 'Pure water' here in Nigeria...

in #environment3 years ago

This is what we call pure water in Nigeria.
It is a portable sachet water mostly consumed by the low and middle income earners.
Its biggest market is in the big cities across the country, its the cheapest source of portable water.

Though it is popularly called 'Pure water' it sometimes not the purest, sometimes being the key word because there are a few substandard products here and there. Unauthorized factories producing pure water under poor conditions.

Non the less, it is relatively safe. Pure water is cheap and available everywhere.

How we take this water?
We basically pierce the sachet with our teeth and drink. It will be hilarious to see someone use scissors, blade or knife to cut the sachet open.

The handling of this water from the factory to the retail shop, hawkers and finally to consumer who uses teeth to cut it open without wash the back use to give me concern but I have let it rest because nobody seem not to care.

Its contribution to environmental pollution is a talk for another day
but for now I'll tell you what what I like about pure water.

You see, while you go about with bottled water, we simply buy, drink and move.
Convenient. I know right.