If the reports I've seen are correct, AOC proposes we replace every single watt of fossil fuel or nuclear energy with renewables, upgrade every single building in the US, and build enough high speed rail (presumably renewable energy powered) across the country to eliminate air travel ... all within ten years.
So to get this environmental policy implemented, they'll have to undertake a vast series of environmental impact studies. Most, if not all, of those EIS's will be challenged by environmental groups (where are these high speed rail lines going to be built that they never impact the environment?) with lawsuits.
And they'll get through all that and get everything built in ten years?
This is the megaproject of all megaprojects, and all megaprojects take far longer and cost far more than the advocates predict. This is a minimum 50 year project. To do it in anything less than that would require a full a scale mobilisation of the economy on the scale of World War II for several decades, during which time consumer goods would mostly be made unavailable, as the task would require the commandeering and rationing of all the resources necessary to make them. That is to say, it would require a vast impoverishment of the American people.
AOC either believes in this, in which case she's a deeply ignorant and deluded fool, or she knows it's bullshit, in which case she's an egregious bullshit artist.
Not even the most ardent environmentalists should get excited about this. AOC should be mocked, should be made a laughingstock, turned into the poster child for the destructive arrogance of the coupling of power and moral certainty.
I have seen her talk about different subjects and it seems like she knows nothing, just a kid trying to save the world without the knowledge to do so.
To be fair, I have heard speak of things of which she seemed to have personal knowledge. Not long ago she mentioned 'running a train' on something or other. She spoke with some authority on that, I felt.
She is at the same level as that David guy.
There are a lot of 'Dave's'.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is getting a lot of coverage. There is literally something about her everyday.
Just based on observation, she seems like someone who actually cares about the environment and society as a whole. She speaks with passion and conviction, which is also great.
Sadly, she appears very naive and quite gullible. This is going to cost her. She is surrounded by people with low moral values and secret agendas. She is highly likely to be manipulated by them to advance these agendas.
Some may consider her early success as a victory for women. If she is going to be publicly ridiculed for making ignorant statements, other women that are more knowledgeable and sensible than her but have not yet found the spotlight will suffer.
If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has good intentions she should seek out a wise and benevolent mentor to help her grow into a better leader. Such a person will be difficult to find. Maybe a wise and benevolent mentor should seek her out.