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RE: The School Children Climate Change Strike

in #environment β€’ 6 years ago

Totally agree I think the main focus should be on seas and destruction of ecosystems. Say to people if the ecosystems collapse which is highly likely we a re screwed a slow painful extinction πŸ’―πŸ’

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Everyone needs to be conscious of the issues and doing something about it. Not just kids.

Yes we are all responsible. I just feel this protest seems a touch staged to me πŸ’―πŸ’

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Why shouldn't people want to protest? It just needs someone to kick things off. Not everything is a conspiracy.

I'm not saying it is a conspiracy it's just the angle the media are going with that the kids downed pens and went out to march. This has been planned and the idea planted. Beside I don't think protesting is effective as I explained in my last podcast πŸ’―πŸ’

Protests may not directly effect change, but they can raise awareness of issues. I am against the sort of violent actions we have seen recently in France.

I think it's better to create alternatives and solutions as explained in my last podcast. I used to protest a lot but now feel it just gives authority to the wrong people! Only we can make the change we don't need permission to change our ways and make a better planet πŸ’―πŸ’