thank you for your comments.
There;s many issues to address.
I think we must work with governments in some instances. I think governments will be smaller in the future....and more effective than they have been currently.. Yes there's often much corruption within government...just as there is corruption in the private sector,
I think your area is positioned well for the future....there is some tough challenging times right now....but with regards to supporting the new infrastructure for the digital will be quicker to implement in Nigeria...than it will be in for example canda....because Canada fro example will have to remove all these old systems that no longer will be used with these new technologies. Nigeria and many other developing parts of the world...will become global these areas will leap frog the old technology. This in combination with the importance of distributed networks...where you have many small players working together to form a big communal network.
I think there is indeed great potential. We are definitely at an interesting point in history. We're going to have to do a bunch of work to organize the best shape of things here. It's going to be kind of fun I think :)
Cool to connect with you!