That is disgusting. I get very tired of it here in America as well. I am guessing that none of the parties you wrote to responded. I understand a SMALL amount why they don't do the garbage can, because they would get filled very quickly by households that do not want to pay for their own service. But I consider that a cost of keeping the city clean. They could afford it. And as you say, actually TRY to prosecute those that make the mess or dump in the can illegally. Cameras would take care of that.
I used to work in the woods, and garbage dumping was a constant problem. I never understood it. You carry the stuff IN, and it weighs more when new. You can't carry the wrapper, can, etc OUT, when it weighs LESS? A bunch of lazy people for sure. When working, we even found addresses and such in the waste, but there was seldom anything done about it once in the court system. Makes you really mad, for sure.
Glad you wrote to the politicians. As you say, vote for those that do care. If you can find any. Though living in America now, I don't have much to say about the political sphere. I fear many of our politicians are the butt-joke of a lot of the world right now...though it is very far from funny.
Have a nice day, and good luck with the garbage hounds.
Thank you for your long and thoughtful comment. I liked to read it even if the topic is so annoying.