Right jaki01 i personally think you did not recieve not one response from any of the 5 parties.If my hypothesis is correct you will not vote for any of them.
I honestly think this is a world wide problem.It is disgusting how much litter is thrown.We really need to install these values in school and at home when our kids are growing up.
I also feel like there isnt enough waste bins around then there should be.Again only at bus shelter but i think there should be one on every Road.where the road sign is there should be a bin also.I think when our waste collection service have there household collection once a week, they can also collect the road waste bin theres a problem solved.
Last week i was infuriated at school.Inside my daughters school, it was hometime there was a great big banana skin dropped on the floor.It may have been a very little child I do not know.
What made me really annoyed is how many parents with there kids just walked past and left it there. If any one stepped on it they could have fell and hurt themselves.The worst thing was there was a bin right next to it. I picked it up and threw it in there.How are we to teach the kids when the parents are not doing it?
I do not know why they have fines when they font follow through.It is not much of a detterent at all.This is one topic i feel very passionately about.
Your hypotheses are correct - unfortunately ... And indeed it is a worldwide problem, to be exact we humans are the problem ...
In my very long rant.Clearly you have summed it up perfectly in a matter of one line.👍😂
Don't be modest, you mentioned many additional things, as well ... :)