e.g:- cpuminer-gw64-corei7 --algo=x11 - -o stratum+tcp://x11.eobot.com:5555 -u eobot.1012730 -p xPeople who have low hardware donot panic you can still mine by using your pc. just download cpuminer multi from this link https://github.com/tpruvot/cpuminer-multi .after extracting open file called "RUN-TimeTravel" and change the line
-u enter your username
-p enter password by diffault it is x for all users
--algo= here you put your algorithm i used x11
-t:- is a number of threads means processor
for help in cmd just type --help in place of --algo
e.g:e.g:- cpuminer-gw64-corei7 --help -o stratum+tcp://x11.eobot.com:5555 -u eobot.1012730 -p x