This Was The Whole Purpose Of Yesterday
I was aware that technology meetups are completely different from entertainment events. So the meetup we held yesterday was sort of a "premeetup" for when we involve the Block.One team on the next EOS Meetup In Houston. The next one will be at The Bank Of America Center conference room (bank i know lol). We will create a cool interactive experience amongst attendees and Block.One staff. There were many challenges yesterday that were hurdles in a sense. Here's what I learned..
- Meetups are good in the evening time preferably after 7pm because most people are working during the day.
- Choose a side of town that doesn't have tons of traffic all day especially in the evening.
- Venue must be easy to find and directions must not feel like your in an obstacle course.
- Have equipment to maximize sound of your presentation.
- Keep a Google Chromecast device on you to share the screen of your laptop on a smart TV.
- Make sure that wifi is reliable if you plan to utilize it.
- Don't overdress (I felt like a douche).
- Arrive at the venue to test presentation an hour before.
- Make sure your meetup area is ventilated. (body heat makes it hot)
- Try to find a place with a roundtable so everyone can discuss things without feeling like your in school.
- Bring enough water for everyone.
- Bring snacks (preferably salty as it releases a chemical that helps pay attention lol)
- Be ready to sign a waiver if needed in order to film (check with the venue weeks before about filming)
- Verify that your venue can handle your projected capacity in case things get screwy with the fire department.
- Make sure the TV your using to present is big enough to see from the back of the room.
- Make sure the speakers are loud enough to hear from the back of the room.
- Always encourage questions.
- Keep your answers in Q&A's short and sweet in order to involve everyone.
- Ask questions beforehand to check for familiarity with EOS, Steem, Bitshares, Dan Larimer, Brock Pierce, Brendan Blumer
- IMPORTANT: Check the weather of that day in order to avoid a bad thunderstorm (guilty)
- Use for meetups as they store attendee emails so you can keep in contact with them.
I Swear This Is How I Felt I Looked Yesterday. Hope Not LMAO
I know what all this new knowledge Ill be able to go to host one of the most amazing meetups ever in the history of meetups. The biggest lesson I learned from live events is that you gotta be a great problem solver. Things wont always go smoothly but always remember that your there to share information. If you accomplished this, the mission is complete and you should'nt beat yourself up about the details. :D
Yesteraday i analyze eos bought at $9 next target $20
check my profile for more detail
EOS will break $12 next target $20
That I Learned that I should buy more eos :)
hell yea
thanks for sharing this wonderful knowledge
wow awesome information best of luck
wow awesome
EOS would kill it this year!!! 👍
Now I thinking, Should I invest all my familly money or just all my money :p
But if you only invest YOUR money and not your FAMILY money, your family will think you didn't care about them once EOS hits the moon! :)
Seriously, though, like everyone else said, just invest with money that won't break you if you were to lose it all.
Does that apply to gambling (roulette)?
only what your prepared to lose just in case
Exactly, Don't invest what you are not ready to loose no matter how much profits you might see in front of you!👍
Exchanges get hacked, accounts get hacked anything can happen. The chances are extremely low but it's still there. You don't wanna loose all your savings and get into major trouble in life just cuz you decided to go all in.
Just my 2 cent! @felipehukken
i appreciate the wonderful useful tips i personally hope i will be able someday to attend the meetup
there will be plenty around the world
hope so i'm in morocco and there are only few people who use steemit here so it would be a little bit difficult to hold a meeting at the time
It was great meetup for you guys, Well done.
Meetups are good in the evening time preferably after 7pm because most people are working during the day... SUNDAY Was better day because everyone is free on sunday. :P
absolutely true
Yupp! But if you are doing meeting at any office palce than sunday would be really bad days hehe..
Well restaurant are already viral for meeting purpose, But silent restaurant not between the city.
Great work @bycompoundfilms - it's awesome to have a list of recommendations for these meetups, especially as we get closer to launch. Go EOS!
yessir..your on facebook too right?
Do you know what happens when we buy an EOS token? Is it proof-of-ownership, etc?
Per their FAQ site:
"The EOS Tokens do not have any rights, uses, purpose, attributes, functionalities or features, express or implied, including, without limitation, any uses, purpose, attributes, functionalities or features on the EOS Platform."
the tokens will be swapped out for tokens on the EOS blockchain
Hi bycompoundfilms , I have heard a lot of positive reviews on EOS , and I'm really interested in investing in this coin. as you have already attended the EOS meetup , Could you please give me some suggestion. :) your reply will highly be appreciable.
its steady growing
Exactly , Thank you so much for such a humble and quick reply, your suggestion have really increased my knowledge about this coin. :) Thank you once again.
EOS increasing day by day,.. heard alot of it from many person, i think its growth will extend and it will climb in near future.
Nice post. I liked.
All good suggestions. Good luck for your next meetup with Block.One. It looks like you are quite well prepared.
Hey man are you going to talk about the meetup on the Let's talk EOS? Because that could be really cool!
I hope I was not too harsh on you today but you know I want to see quality man ;) Good job and man time flies...