[EN&ES]No More Mystery! MASDACS is Here! - No más misterio! MASDACS ha llegado!

in #eos-project7 years ago

Now you can see the whole picture ;)

Ahora puedes ver todo el panorama ;)

No more mystery!! MASDACS is here! And it will help you to reach those yummy whales, dolphins and fishes way faster and easier!

No más misterio!! MASDACS ha llegado! Y te ayudará a alcanzar esas hermosas ballenas, delfines y peces más rápida y más facilmente!


No time to lose! Get into MASDACS right now and get the most of your own content

No hay tiempo que perder! Ve ahora mismo a MASDACS y sácale el jugo a tu propio contenido!!

But What is MASDACS?

Pero que es MASDACS?

Meaning Mutual Aid Society (MAS) Decentralized Autonomous Communities (DACS), MASDACS is the crosspointing of all your favorite platforms out there such as Steemit or Golos. But MANY more are coming and will join us into the party !

De su significado en inglés Ayuda Social Mutua (MAS) Comunidades Descentralizadas Autónomas (DACS), MASDACS es el punto de encuentro para todas tus plataformas favoritas como Steemit o Golos. Aunque muuuchas más formarán parte de esta fiesta!

This is the best way of getting all the potential out of your own content. Allowing you to share the content into many platforms at once. Easy to use and very helpful when it comes to save time and effort. Give it a try and let us know what you think about it! We would love to know =)

Esta es la mejor manera de exprimirle todo el potencial a tu propio contenido. Permitiéndote compartirlo en muchas plataformas diferentes al mismo tiempo. Es fácil de usar y te ayudará a salvar tiempo y esfuerzo. Úsalo y déjanos un mensaje en los comentarios contándonos que te ha parecido! Nos encantaría conocer tu opinion =)

No language is a barrier. Be the one that chooses your own description and how everyone else will see you, your content and your creations! Welcome to the future of blogging =)

El lenguaje no es una barrera. Sé quien decide tu propia descripción y cómo el Mundo te verá a ti, tu contenido y tus creaciones! Bienvenido al futuro del blogueo =)

Thanks a lot for your support and I see you in the next one!

Muchas gracias por tu apoyo y nos vemos en el próximo post!

By The Way!

Por cierto !

In the following days I will be writing a post about how I did this illustration and the whole creative process of its.
Stay tuned!

En los próximos días me pondré a escribir un post acerca de cómo hice esta ilustración y de todo su proceso creativo. Permanezcan sintonizados !

(All the images are my own creation and therefore I own their rights)


I always try to listen to the ideas of my fellow followers to improve my posts and to give something back to the community... therefor: What would you like the next posts to be about? What should I talk about? What kind of painting? Would you like some tutorials about arts, about cooking? Maybe some fresh gaming broadcast? I would love to know!

I apologize if I don't reply to your message. Sometimes I can't find enough time for it. But you can be sure that I will read it!



Wow!!!Great initiative man. This will definitely help us newbies. Thanks and will check it out

thank you for sharing

Awesome!!!!!! Thanks for sharing xo :)

A very good post

Nice initiative. Awesome creativity. Upvoted!Wow... Great job @anritco

Muy interesante, gracias por compartir.