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RE: [EN&ES] One For Connect Them All !

in #eos-project7 years ago

you are saying that you want to learn how to draw, and you will do that for 4 hours a day - that is a quite impressive self proposal! i am curious about how are you planning to learn how to draw :) i am art high-school teacher, and i get a lot of questions from people with no experience: "can you teach me how to draw?" - so:what is you plan? pencil drawing after some well known artists? pencil after steel nature?
anyway: i hope you will manage to keep up with your schedule!
all the best!


Yeah, sometimes I got more time for drawing, sometimes less, for instance today I've been drawing for almost 8 hours due that I could take some time out from work =)

I already know how to draw in the technical definition of the meaning. Because knowing how to draw is basically know how to hold the pen and how to use it on the medium. What I am lacking of is style and some knowledge about content... for instance features and comprehension of how they work in a 3D space. So naturally my way of learning will be to sit down for hours and check which styles I consider beautiful and useful and I try to incorporate as much as I can from that language and style of other artists (yes, I go after an artist and analyze what he/she did and why.

What I am doing atm specifically is to analyze structure of the features of the face. After analyzing them long enough I start stylizing them in the way I like at most. I will probably go on with anatomy later and from time to time I will add some elements of design to also have fun with it =)

But going back to how to learn to draw for a starter: go to the fundamentals, and that s really heavy and complex thing already.