Summary and quotes of Let's talk EOS with Fuzzy Nov 21st

in #eos-project7 years ago

11:03 and we are alive ladies and gentlemen

13:07 EOS talk forums

What a lot of people don't know is, it truly is innovative, but it's not the first protoshares and AGS came first. Half of it was mined. Half of it was distributed via this. A synthetic mining process right that Dan Larimer aka Bytemaster likes to call it.

15:27 A new token called EOSbits

We're going to start giving out EOSbits to people who help us to build this community in a decentralized fashion.

We're going to utilize EOSbits and 100k EOS and the bandwidth that will back those tokens to be able to help you guys build an incredibly powerful community and show a first use case of what we can do with technology that exists today. That is single threaded when a EOS is going to be multi-threaded.

16:32 EOS price

I can see that a resistance line seems like it's been broken here, but I don't deal with that so much because I know that if I invest in and a community with my own sweat, equity and tokens virtual currencies like I did in guilds right with dkp, That I can create value in this world and that's what we're going to be doing here.

17:47 testnet ahead of schedule

18:15 cross chain tokens, tokens for tweets

We essentially give out the dkp tokens to people, people things that are valuable to people and it's based in the value of steem power, but it is reflected in there and used by bitshares. So bitshares is where you find these beyond bit tokens and we're leveraging them to give out tokens for tweets.

19:43 Promote the EOS talk livestream on Twitter

You're going to have to sign in to Twitter you're gon na have to follow BeyondBitcoin on Twitter and then you're going to have to post it exactly what you see right here. You need at least a 100 followers.

You can go directly here to get your bitshares wallet, because we will be giving out tokens based on how many followers you have when you share this.

21:15 How to setup a BitShares wallet

You can go into the discord server or our 24 hours whale share, server

We can do all kinds of different things with these token systems, and if we build a community they can leverage that and can build with it. Then I have no problems leveraging the bandwidth that I have backing EOS bits with it. Whenever bandwidth is something that's used on the network and kind of water, all the seeds that are that people are trying to plant in the ecosystem, because by doing that, we grow whole orchards that give us yields every year and feed entire planet.

22:53 EOSBits Logo challenge

I am giving out 500 Beyond bits to people who participate in this. Obviously, we had winners from last week that we showed you on the last EOS talk.

You can actually follow these artist directly from the EOS talk interface.

26:14 beyondbits for tweets

#beyondbits4tweets tag on steemit

I will give you tokens based on how many followers you tweeted it to.

29:07 Will BitShares run on EOS or all by itself?

Without bitshares I don't know that EOS would ever exist.

I've heard multiple proposals, I'm not sure which one is going to be the actual one. There is the idea that it could clone Leo's technology and become like its own exchange, specific use case.

Bytemaster (Dan Larimer) said in telegram, though, that it's possible that bitshares could upgrade to bitshares 3.0 using EOS code, and it seems like they're, not necessarily against that.

30:47 What is Voltron?

Voltron and it's a bunch of robot lions that these guys, will get into the lions and they're able to separately fight. But then they're able to turn into one giant robot called Voltron and fight together.

It's a lot like Power Rangers, but Power Rangers was after Voltron.

32:07 Brock Pierce video

Brendan Blumer and Brock Pierce, who both got a lot of their success in terms of financial success in investing in the gaming industries and gaming assets. Virtual currencies that like when you kill a monster in a game, for instance, which is in essence proof-of-work.

Brock Pierce: Online games are persistent worlds, which is how I found myself here, and that is that you have individual objects in these games: virtual currency, virtual goods and in video games - and I grew up playing games. You didn't. Actually, it didn't have any value because it was you in the machine. What happened is when we started networking the game as well as making it persistent, meaning you'd log on and come back and those assets would continue to persist and I spent you know good, well, all of my adult life for the most part in that space.

@officialfuzzy: Brock Pierce came from a space where he grew up gaming and before you connected people into a network who actually were able to play together and trade stuff within the game, when you would earn something, for instance, like your Zelda sword, yeah, it was cool, but really Did it have any value, because you really couldn't trade that Zelda sword to anybody? It was maybe a sentimental value to you, but once you stopped playing Zelda and that that amazing sword that you had the highest-grade sword, that Zelda had it's no longer gon na be used by anybody. So it's almost like it dies and no longer exists. If, if a tree falls in the woods and people aren't there to hear it, does it make a sound? You know it's kind of like that. Yes, it exists and it does make a sound, but if nobody hears it, what's the what's the real effect?

And that's where he's saying that he got in to where now that you start having things like World of Warcraft and all these other different MMOs and heck. Let's see even go into first-person shooters, where you trade skins and things like this right and e gaming, where you actually have League of Legends, and things like this in DotA, where people are actually buying characters, just things that make them look cooler or unlocking characters with money all these digital assets are valuable.

Brock Pierce: I've gone from being a customer and I somehow inadvertently become something that looks a little bit like a shareholder and now that, as a customer to share, imagine if you can only buy Apple products with Apple stock, you know how that would change the nature of the relationship between the customers and the company.

@officialfuzzy: These are the things I would like to talk about in the after party tonight.

Let's take it to a different place, say instead of buying Apple gear, like you know, an Apple computer or something, you're buying dapps. You're buying in two different ecosystems that will create value like like. If I go on online and I go to all my phone and I download some apps, those apps are valuable to me right and the value proposition that each of those apps has can actually back a token.

He's making a good point about how a community can come together and can build a value proposition if you align the incentives.

Brock Pierce: So now that I've done that now that I actually have upside and everything that ecosystem or tribe is doing, I'm feeling compelled to contribute whether that means. I want to go. Tell my friends about the things that we're doing, or maybe I want to start building apps and things. On top of that platform, I want to start figuring out what superpowers or skills I have that I can contribute to this project and I start to look a lot like an employee, but in this future that we're building there probably aren't going to be jobs. The jobs are going away and that's not a bad thing. You'Re gon na end up with tribes that you get to participate in and you're gon na wear and participate in those things that are important to you. But what happens? Is you get this complete alignment of interests where it's no longer about me anymore? It'S not about that proprietary. How do I capture value? Oh I've got some knowledge that I can trade on from my benefit. What happens is when you realign everyone's interests? Anything you do benefits me. Anything I do benefits you.

When you start to do this reconstructing of incentives and the fabric or the foundation in the world in which we live, you can actually make things a hell of a lot better when you start to think about. You know why you're here and what the opportunity is.

@officialfuzzy: Guilds.

Brock Pierce: This sort of stuff we're rebuilding the world at its foundation, and so what you're building any of your DAX are building your ico or any things that you're doing in his face. Remember that you're building a community,

@officialfuzzy: Your guilds remember that.

Brock Pierce: the only way your project will succeed, is if you bring in lots of people to participate with you and join. It's between the successful projects and the unsuccessful ones are going to be around the leadership and their ability to build huge followings. It's probably not going to be because they have the best technology.

@officialfuzzy: There's one thing that I disagree with on that point, but - and that's just that. Yes, the community matters a lot, but if you build that community on us on a foundation that isn't solid, it's kind of reckless and harm the community, can force it to fracture and have a quote: unquote: revolution, aka a contentious fork.

I really wanted to bring this up this week, just because we're getting into the guild mindset and we're starting meetups and we're starting to get people who want to moderate and do initiatives and I'm going to leverage EOSbits to distribute them to people who are helping.

Brock Pierce plays video:

If you've learned a lot about leadership and making a movement, then let's watch a movement happen start to finish in under three minutes and dissect some lessons.

First, of course a leader needs the guts to stand alone and look ridiculous. But what he's doing is so simple? It's almost instructional. This is key. You must be easy to follow.

Now here comes the first follower with a crucial role. He publicly shows everyone else how to follow. Notice, how the leader embraces him as an equal. So it's not about the leader anymore. It's about them! Plural!

Notice, how he's calling to his friends to join in. It takes guts to be a first follower. You stand out, be brave and prepared to ridicule yourself, being a first follower is an underappreciated form of leadership.

The first follower transforms a lone nut into a leader. If the leader is the Flint, the first follower is the spark that really makes.

Now here's the second follower. This is a turning point. It's proof the first has done well.

Now, it's not a lone nut, and it's not two nuts three is a crowd and a crowd is news.

A movement must be public, make sure outsiders come, you see more than just the leader.

Everyone needs to see the followers, because new followers emulate followers, not the leader. Now here come two more people, then three more immediately.

Now we've got momentum. This is the tipping point, and now we have a movement as more people jump in it's no longer risky if they were on the fence before there's no reason not to join in now, they won't stand out, they won't be ridiculed and they will be part of the in-crowd, if they hurry and over the next minute, you'll see the rest who prefer to stay part of the crowd, because eventually they be ridiculed for not joining.

Ladies and gentlemen, that is of how a movement is made.

So, let's recap: what we've learned if you are a version of the shirtless dancing guy all alone, remember the importance of nurturing your first few followers as equals. Making everything clearly about the movie. Did not you be public, be easy to follow, but the biggest lesson here did you catch it?

Leadership is over-glorified. Yes, it started with the shirtless guy and he'll get all the credit, but you saw what really happened. It was the first follower that transformed a lone nut into a leader.

There's no movement without the first follower, see we're told that we all need to be leaders, but that would be really ineffective. The best way to make a movement if you really care is to courageously follow and show others how to follow. When you find a lone nut, doing something great, have the guts to be the first person to stand up and join in.

@officialfuzzy: We did [this] in the very beginning days with with covering Dan Larimer and what the bitshares ecosystem was doing from the very earliest days.

All these amazing people who were quote-unquote first followers and what we've accomplished up to this point, is to project brilliant people into the space. That are going to enable us to have even cooler tools that we can play with to build amazing communities and tribes, and I very much invite all of you to join me on this journey.

46:41 Thank you to Mr. Producer @bycompoundfilms and @Mr.Wang

47:14 Crypto cartoon Ethereum vs EOS got added to OKcoin


I keep my eye on EOS since their beginning. Thanks for this video

EOS talk with Fuzzy (@officialfuzzy) is every Tuesday. You can let yourself be reminded for when the live stream begins on

Amazing video

Too bad there is an issue with Brock Pierce... @Ura-soul wrote about it...

Thank you for sharing your post and I just started my journey and your article is good and I will read more about EOS and I think it can change my life.

I think EOS is going to be great. How you think it will change your life?

Wow, another Fuzzy video to follow, great! I didn't know about this one. Love EOS!