BEYONDBITs are Powerful Cross Platform Tokens Worth being Noticed
Summon a Whale with BEYONDBITs! These bits are powerful Cross Platform tokens that display a unique use case that has been largely underappreciated within the Crypto Sphere. While many crypto media platforms laud the thousandth new innovative (but unscalable) cryptocurrency, platforms like BitShares and Steem have given us the capability to innovate and create a token system that would be capable of imbuing the power (and value) of human cooperation into a token backed by steempower...and you. I believe that Showing this powerful Cross Platform capabilities between BitShares and Steem is an action that will drive an increase in attention, appreciation and market sentiment for both Steem and BitShares. So what are you waiting for? Help me build Voltron...
It is the synergy between these chains that will show the rest of crypto How Fast DPOS Chains really are and what this speed makes possible!
Just in time for EOS...aka Voltron's Shield.

But Building Voltron is No Easy Task...
I need Your Voice and Trusted Network
So onto the Mission, its Rules (and Rewards)
Promote "Promote the Latest EOSBit Logo Contest!" on Twitter
Step 1: Sign into Twitter
Step 2: Follow @beyond_bitcoin Twitter
Step 3: Post the following post exactly as you see it (copy/paste):
The New #EOSTalk is Up Now! @beyond_bitcoin Talks #EOS Price & Governance http://ow.ly/7VDQ30gC2OD #bitcoin #eos #eth #steem #bitshares #okcoin @iang_fc @EOS_io
Step 4: Add the following image as an attachment:

Step 5: Post a link to your tweet below along with the following:
- Your BitShares Address
- Number of Twitter Followers
Rule 1:
Rule 2: Your twitter account must have over 100 followers
Rule 3: You must not be a suspected Scammer on Steem
Rule 4: You must copy and paste the exact tweet message provided. Misstatements and misspellings are not guaranteed BEYONDBITs
Rule 5: Accounts Spamming this post will not receive BEYONDBITs
Notice: Rights reserved to add needed rules as required to combat Trollishness You Must follow @beyond_bitcoin twitter
Participants in this trial will earn 1 BEYONDBIT for each 100 followers up to a maximum reward of 30 BEYONDBITs.
A minimum reward amount will be established based on final payout on this post. If it earns 200$BD and only 1 person participates, this participant will receive 200 BEYONDBITs (assuming participant complies with rules above).
Rewards will be capped at 1000 BEYONDBITs
If this post earns over 400$BD, cap will double to 2000 BEYONDBITs
You may Tweet up to 3 times and post them within this thread (only those tweets posted before post payout qualify).
Accounts that qualify and have over 10k followers on twitter will earn 5 BEYONDBITs even if cap is reached!
All rewards paid out after this post pays out!
The person with the most followers will receive 10 EOSBITs!
What is an EOSBIT?
An EOSBIT is a Bandwidth token. A Bandwidth token is a token/ticket backed by a % of bandwidth owned in the EOS network. Since this token will be backed by a specificied amount of bandwidth in the EOS ecosystem (100,000 EOS), it will be possible to gain acceptance of these tokens in place of payment to use Beyond Bitcoin Partner Decentralized Apps (DApps). As bandwidth is a limited resource, these tokens will be worth a specified amount of bandwidth soon after the release of the live EOS Chain Launch.
These tokens are intended to gain value based on a market for bandwidth and partner DApps' accepting them as payment for services/perks. We live in a world where bandwidth on networks is accepted as a ubitquitous resource. EOS is the next stage of Blockchain-basesed IOT infrastructure and will solidify the value proposition of "Bandwidth Tokens" as we begin truly building Voltron...
Your Organic Network is Valuable!
Of course many platforms offer the capability to pay for others to promote your crypto initiatives, but where is the fun in that when there is a platform like Steem where I can leverage cryptocurrency and a community of cryptocurrency lovers...who also have valuable organic networks more likely to have interest in cryptocurrency?
This is even more true when the people who wish to join in the fun are also people who will accept my own Proto-SMT token, the Beyondbit, in return for their efforts! I look forward to seeing more!
So before we get onto the Instructions for the Logo Contest, Let's dig into the concept behind this new proto-token called the "EOSBit"...
Thanks for Helping Build Voltron & for Your Continued to Support!

BeyondBit vote tokens are on BitShares! So make sure you have a BitShares Wallet to receive and use them!
Download BitShares Wallet

All BeyondBitcoin content is powered by Steemit.com so please join the new social media movement that enables Creative Commons content creators and Open Source developers to earn funding for participating in the community's growth and sustenance. Post to Steemit.com to earn and pay others with a simple upvote!
followers: 28
~~~ embed:931375054423719936 twitter metadata: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 ~~~bitshares: pilottage65
Nice article.
Visit CoinCheckup.com | SteemIT - Daily Technical Analysis
😍A very informative post. Great job. Keep it up! 😍

I got excited about this until I read I need to have 100 followers on Twitter haha. I've never been really using it much, but I guess I better start building the audience.
Follow and ask for followers in this thread! :P
thank yougood aidea @officialfuzzy
That is a good point, thanks!
Bts acct: trillex92
Twitter Followers: 430
2nd Tweet:
Bts Acct: trillex92
Twitter Followers: 429
3rd Tweet:
Bts acct: trillex92
Twitter Followers: 430
Nice post! Consider following me :)
Followers: 289
Bitshares: Ramb0z0 (0's are zeros)
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
My third Tweet
Tweet link:
Bitshare Address: ask.sba2
Twitter followers: 70.5K
congratulations man you obviously won this round :P
Thanks a lot :)
Sweet! :]
34,559 😮
maybe you should follow one another! :P
you are all over the place man :P
My second tweet
Bitshare address: ask.sba2
Twitter Followers: 70.5K
Followers: 1945
BTS: fav
by the way, is there an ETA on last week's offer?
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Follower: 134
Bitshares account: engr-samest
Twitter link:
Followers: 349
bts: virtual-growth
BTS wallet: kimchi-king
Talks #EOS Price & Governance
ow.ly/7VDQ30gC2OD#bi… #eos #eth … twitter.com/i/web/status/9…
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Your BitShares Address tcpaikano1
Number of Twitter Followers 114
If anyone wants to help me gain 100 followers on Twitter, please, follow me on there @kotturinn, and I shall return the favor, if not it is okay :) thanks!
BitShares address: yogz88lynne12
Twitter followers: 2998
sent! thanks for helping!
217 Twitter Followers
El1748eth is my address
Link to tweet:
Bitshares address: corsaronero69
Number of Tweeter followers: 3495
didnt get the link! :(
can you send me one?
Oops sorry, thats what happens when you hurry! Here it is.
too long for Twitter
managed to post it though :
bitshares address is samstickkz001
Bitshare Address: ask.sba2
Twitter Followers: 70.5K
thanks again :)
333 follower
wow very good post you
Great works, I wish you success
Good work sir awesome post
Upvoted!! Great post.
Hello @officialfuzzy, I want to participate but I don't have bitshare. Can't you pay it via steem?
Thanks for your question. You can easily grab an account from the link i provide above :)
I'm confused. Is bitshare address is same username I put on openledger ?
thanks I did it anyway👍🏻
you will receive an EOSbit too :)
Thanks, I saw in instruction, we can post at most 3 times.
Will this be extra beneficial for me? Just curious :) 😀
my god this is so long artical god bless your finger and give a more power to write more artical
ans i want to say today btc showing shit ...
This is the nice. we are wants to way of the who earn the money with the online or post the on Steemit.
up voted
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This is not what i was asking for and so i am downvoting it slightly to let others in the future know that i do not know or endorse minergate.