
Hi Fuzzy,

It would be great if Bitspark could introduce Zephyr to the community in the Whaletank hangout this weekend.

Project/Topic Name/News Piece: Project Zephyr

Relevant Steemit Tag? Zephyr by @bitspark

Appropriate links to share? and see our recent conclusion to our 3 part blog on the topic at

Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker: Steemit @bitspark and the speaker will be George Harrap, CEO and Co-Founder of Bitspark Limited Hong Kong.

How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?

Zephyr is a reward token for the Bitspark remittance network enabling users to be rewarded every time they send and receive cash globally. Bitspark has designed Zephyr as a financial incentive for users to undertake actions which lead to the growth of the Bitspark network ensuring money transfer businesses can grow their business without the cost impost of bank de-risking.

Bitspark is a pioneer in the world of Bitcoin remittances with the first cash-in cash-out money transfer in 2014 and subsequently has become a successful fintech startup with backing from governments, financial institutions, media and of course Bitspark customers.

What is your bitshares account name? bitspark-deposit

Thank you for bringing this project to the Whaletank! It's very cool to see you guys switching over to the Bitshares network - I look forward to learning more about it.

For those who are interested:
ZEPH is the Zephyr token for the Bitspark remittance network.

Looking forward to hearing some updates from you guys!

Your work with bitshares and remittance markets is going to make people very bullish :)

  1. I want to talk about Clinical Trials on the blockchain i.e. how to trust (alternative) medicine, measuring our healing progress through our smartphones. My brother has been doing good on a diet for his MS but we miss measuring progress. However if Matej Michalko from Decent can talk this Saturday I'll let him take my time.
  2. #health, #science, #brain, #autism
  3. -Amazing interview on how Processed Food leads to Depression
    -How to help heal mental disorders with nutrition
    -Witch Hunt against those who speak out about this common practice
    -The Truth About Vaccines
    -Clinical Trials Show the Blockchain Can Stop ‘Fraudulent’ Science
    -Blockchain Health
  4. @Nutela, Mumble: Nutela
  5. Alternative medicine is booming on the internet with documentaries such as The Truth About Cancer, The Sacred Plant, The Truth About Vaccines, Immune Defense Summit, Interpreting your Genetics and many more. But they all 'air' on centralized video services such as YouTube and while there is research backing up these claims these are hard to read for average folk and doing clinical trails the traditional way is very expensive. With our smartphones we can measure all kinds of data coming from our bodies. What is left is a way to safely store this data and give patients incentives to try out alternative medical approaches while at the same time taking part of clinical trials which cannot be tampered with.
  6. nut3l4 (NUT3L4) Bitshares coin: but I haven't issued this coin yet.

Thanks for linking those links in #3 espeically the one titled:

"Clinical Trials Show the Blockchain Can Stop 'Fraudulent' Science"

Quote from that article:

A digital ledger such as the blockchain could have prevented quite a few misleading medical findings over the past couple of years. This includes when publisher Springer had to retract 64 articles in 2015 from its journals. Sister company BioMed Central later removed 43 articles for fraudulent findings within the researched data.

What a joke. How many illegitimate articles are published by the science industry everyday??

I don't know, let's just look at the numbers while asking ourselves are we getting worse or better?

Hey Fuzzy, how is it going buddy ... This week on whaletank voiceshares will be launching its website, a sincere effort from us to bring the whole beyond bitcoin and whaletank community and projects together.

Project/Topic Name/News Piece - Voiceshares
Relevant Steemit Tag : #voiceshares
Appropriate links to share:
Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker : @rideofpassion
How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage- The voice of the suppressed, with an aim to bring about a revolution for a better world!! Now gets it own website.
What is your bitshares account name : ride-of-passion
Voiceshares token link

I know i'm late, but better late than never, amirite? Hope I can at least jump in during the afterparty if that's cool...

Project/Topic Name: Community Casino

Relevant Steemit Tag: #ccasino

Appropriate links to share: ;)

Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speakers: bethalea (BETH) and nicnas

How should we Introduce you/your project: Community Casino has it's hands in lots of pots. We are partnered with Voiceshares, Buildawhale and are fervent supporters of SPL, giving back to our community one game at a time!

What is your bitshares account name? nic-nas

Project/Topic Name/News Piece
Steemit Music League (SML)

Relevant Steemit Tag?
#beatbattle #smlchallenge

Appropriate links to share?

Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker

How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?
The goal of the Steemit Music League is to create an avenue for real, positive change for Steemians with dreams in the music industry. The Steemit Music League will provide long-term recognition, feedback, and rewards for Steemians with the ultimate goal of creating synergy among its members so that they can help each other achieve their dreams. It includes four challenges and contests: the Beat Battle League, the Steemit Music League Challenge, the Dreams Come True Challenge, and the Music Producers’ Feedback Contest.

What is your bitshares account name?

Hey Fuzzy, check out this timezone converter, might be handy for people to check what timezone they are in:

Nice - I added that to my post :-)

You got it from me grrrr ;)

yep - thank you :-)

Hehe that was a joke ;)

Another incredible Whaletank last Saturday!
Always something new packed into the hangouts each week + the After Party bonus round :-)

Congrats @smokenetwork on picking up the extra 1000 BeyondBits, you guys are building greatness.

Looking forward to this Saturday's tank!

The Whaletank was very good indeed and looking forward to the next one.

And they have a token on bitshares!

Just all I wanted to say was that this topic is highly integrated.

What does this mean?
Integrated with? 😣

Very interesting post. Although I am new to steemitt, planning to promote some project in steemit in near future. Following, voted and resteemed. Have a nice day.

check out how yoou can create your own bitcoin bank wallet and manage your own fund. with no restriction or charges.

This is great !!
check out my article on how any devices can easily be hacked using wifi

I want a bounty for finding the aliens that left that old ship in the Antarctic, after slipping in through a dimensional shift. 👽

Also, I want to play the voice of some sassy cartoon character, keep the 🍺 and 💊's though. Smoke coin sounds interesting, ahah! 😎

By the way, do you already have the animation figured out? If not I think I know a way that you can do this basically with total ease and pretty much free.

Community casino sounds like FUN. 🎲 It's written in the stars ⭐️

Build a whale is great! 🐳You all sound so committed to finding a solution to the problems of curation.

I make my videos in Second Life. Trading with steem would be awesome! Linden dollars are over rated, let's take it over with Steem!

@officalfuzzy, the Whale Tank video I created for you, was done in SL. I would love to combine the two platforms in some way.

💝Love Shares will change so many lives Abi. Thank you for all your hard work. Transparency in charity is way overdue.

We can always use more steempower Robin. Love seeing the street photography, GO LFN! ☕

Smoke Network has a "token" TOKEN! ⚖️ WTG Anxious!

Time for me to go to bed now, 😴 night, night.

Ayy heck yeah brought up Second life in a previous Whale tank . Would love to discuss more with you

Sure thing, I've been on SL for over 10 years and owned a business for a time. OpenSim, using the firestorm viewer is a great concept, however, the lack of any monetary incentive has left it flat. Without reward for work, I see apathy and lack of innovation in designs.

It would be amazing to create a hybrid between say, OSGrid, and Second Life. Using Steem as the instrument of exchange.

As it stands now, Second Life gives free accounts, but USD must be used to buy the currency, which are called "Lindens."

SL changed when censorship and tighter controls over land usage were imposed approximately five years ago.

I would be happy to answer any questions you may have @chiefmappster.

O heck yeah that is so awesome you have that experience. I was introduced to Second Life in high school back in 2006. We made Powerpoint presentations with our avatars in Second Life and the class would attend in Second Life. Was pretty epic especially back then haha.

Ahh I did not know about the changes as I have been away from Second Life for a some time.

I completely agree especially because the tech, quickness of transactions, and amount of volume STEEM can handle it would be a natural fit.

Are you on Discord?

Yes, roaming the halls on Discord. I had to download the quick switcher, and am wondering if I need an invitation back to the whaleshares server.

As you can tell, I'm new to Discord. My nick is GG

Ayyy heck yeah would love to discuss this more with ya.

Here is the link to the Whaleshares discord channel:

Thanks, I'm there now as GG and an SL avatar.

@chiefmappster, I will be taking a small road trip in about an hour and won't be available. I have my youtube channel linked to my blog if you want to see some of the SL videos that I have created.

I am in Whaleshares on Discord now and for about the next hour. :)

Tell me more about it? Link?

Well we were discussing the open source OSgrid, on the Firestorm viewer for Second Life. I use both of these games to create my YouTube videos.

Anything is possible in these 3D games. "ANYTHING" and I would love to see Steem, or some kind of cryptocurrency, instead of Lindens in Second Life, or nothing at all, in OSGrid.

Here is the YouTube link

This is the link to Osgrid.
This is the link to Second Life,

yes this was discussed quite a bit in the early days of beyondbitcoin hangouts on steem :)

@officalfuzzy, If you could PM me in Discord, I could go into some detail in private. There are many facets to this game that would need to be addressed. But SO MUCH could be done here. All of the things discussed in the Whaletank can be done in this format, and then some.

Are you planning to bring this to the whaletank officially this Saturday?

No, I was just responding to questions asked about my comments. I am much to new to Steemit, to be confident in doing that @steempowerpics.

I do see this as the natural progression of internet technologies. I put the idea forward for consideration and to offer the community any insights that I have from experience.


Have a look at the founder, Philip Rosedale and his ideas about Blockchain in VR. This was a talk with Fred Ehrsam, co-founder of Coinbase.

New avatars using high fidelity mixed reality.

The American Cancer Society has relay for life. In the early days many companies were holding meetings there. There were casinos in the beginning as well.

@officalfuzzy, High Fidelity is using Oculus and HTC VIVE. There are several videos with Philip Rosedale introducing this new technology, that will eventually make conventional gaming a thing of the past. I just wanted to share what I have learned.

This user had an interesting idea and when I suggested he could talk with us on the Whaletank he promptly made this post!

Hey @officialfuzzy, nice work with the WhaleTank! You seem like a nice whale yourself, would you be interested in checking out this project? Its called the Curator Gem and its meant to be an incentive for active human Curators, especially those with little Steem Power. Hope to see you on the thread one day, Steem on!

lol I am on the thread silly :P

Can you help me with an issue? My beyondbits had a messed up memo. Had two UU

No we do not currently offer this support but it is possible to figure something out.
However we have a useful tool on that if u go through in less than 5 seconds you will be able to simply copy and paste it in.
Whaleshares is still in open beta mode as we work on things so perhaps things will change in the future ;)

I did use the tool on but I must of had a U already there. The user was abstract-alao. At the end of the day it was my fault. Thank for responding and supporting the community.

Yea the @randowhale certainly is! I was more hinting towards a personal connection, as I would greatly value your opinion on this initiative.

Maybe the link was too well hidden:

Or you just trolling me? :p

This is cool, I upvoted all the gems and I'll be following you for the next!

Two word for you great job 😆 thanks to share , follow ,resteem ,voted .

Congratulations @officialfuzzy, this post is the eighth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 184 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $3560.61. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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Still searching for Aliens with SETI since 1999 ..

gridcoin then and boinc will be your friend :)

Hey @officialfuzzy, could you please stop powering down? Without sp what purpose whaleshares will have!?

Just sayin

I give out more value every hangout than I take in (by far) and the small amount of powering down I do is not doing much of anything to the voting power.

However, what you are probably feeling is that since price of steem went down all votes on the platform are lower.

Yes, my bad. I assumed things wrong.

I never powered whaleshares down. The delegation was partially taken away.

The point of them is use them for upvotes

nice bro

Very interesting. Tell me please! What is human success?

check out how yoou can create your own bitcoin bank wallet and manage your own fund. with no restriction or charges.

so how this will benefit me? in a simple answer.
Your neighbour, @cryptonewz

you gotta read it! :)

Offer a value proposition and maybe you'll get upvoted quite nicely! But read it.

This looks cool. I recently won a few whaleshares and I like how it works . Thanks for the hard work. :)

great things to share thanks for sharing nice words

It would be a good experience for your happy life
Thank you for your posting and You have a lot of awesome posts, but this is by far one of your best ones man. I needed this one today! Thanks.