Defending the Blockchain
Suggested Duration: 2 to 10 minutes
Stan Larimer has become a trustee of a legal defense fund called Defend the Blockchain for the following reasons:
"It has been created with the intent of defending the blockchain community as a whole (not just BitShares) from cases brought from misunderstandings by regulators. These regulators often lack the comprehension of the technology (and noble philosophical underpinnings) of the industry. Unfortunately, that lack of understanding could have vast unintended consequences."
"More importantly, the Trust will lobby for fundamental reforms in how our regulatory agencies do business with an eye to restoring respect for our constitutionally guaranteed human rights."
"But the current main objective of this fund is to support the defense of Jared Rice in the case filed by the SEC ( SEC vs Arise Bank, Jared Rice Sr., and Stanley Ford, 3-18 CV-186-M) in Dallas, Texas."
Stan concludes with the following:
"THIS IS A THREAT TO ALL OF US. To that end, I seek your help and ask for your donations to pay for hiring such SEC specialists and mounting a vigorous defense of our industry."
Remember, if it can happen to anybody, it can happen to you!"
Euh for those of you in the US please look up the Act of 1871, if you go to court and there are fringes around the flag don't go there! It means no constitution is upheld there! More info at Your Strawman on how it works. Note I've tested this myself and I know the person behind this website, Patrick Kelly, we had quite a few productive conversations in the past.
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