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RE: What will be the long term value of EOS tokens?

in #eos7 years ago

I've been seeing this type of question more and more, and here is the response which I've come up with so far.

 At a higher level:@crypto-investor is correct in that the Legal statement is likely there to protect the company.

Here is a link to Dan Larimer explainng EOS, I highly recommend the full watch:

Skip to 32:50 for him describing the reason for no 'gas' and he continues into the value of the token

I didn't rewatch the full video for this comment so I'm sorry I can't point out more specific clips, watch the whole thing!

In this presentation Dan explains that the proportion of tokens you hold will directly correlate to the proportion of the EOS network storage capacity / bandwidth / CPU you will have access to. This ties into the App Developer question of Asset vs Rental methods. Perhaps we will be able to rent our tokens to future applications?


So to my knowledge, that processing power ratio is the fundamental value of these tokens.
EOS will be constantly releasing new tokens so this inflation will be devaluing tokens, but if more and more apps are being built upon the EOS network, there will be a corresponding increase in demand for these tokens to power the new apps.


All of that said, the main benefit of EOS as a network is the performance they promise which means that the token demands per application may be fairly low, especially when you consider how many tokens are out there already.



The token does have some tangible value, but that won't necessarily be the sole determinant in its trade value, because: 

  • The EOS platform has the potential to revolutionize the Internet, utilizing block chain technology.
  • Dan Larimer has an excellent track record (ever used Steem?) so he is an excellent CTO to bring us 'the next big thing'.
  • The EOS token may not bill itself as 'digital gold' the way Bitcoin does but if EOS becomes the dominant network and is one day utilized by consumers like your parents, without them even realizing they're on a block chain, I want to be a part of it.