Ram Income for EOS Staking WILL logically become the next step for EOS and MUST and WILL happen :D I will bet on it!
A new opportunity for EOS holders? RAM income for staking
Dan Larimer is working on something that could have really massive positive implications for eos holders who stake. Dan has proposed in the eos block producers telegram channel this idea. Instead of burning the eos tokens that are generated from the ram trading fees, this revenue is instead redistributed back to those who had staked their eos.
There is already 1.5 million eos tokens made from a 1 month RAM trading fees. Over a year that would increase considerably. Under the current system eos tokens earned through RAM trading fees are taken out of circulation and offset against the 5% rate of inflation. The current system divides the value between everyone regardless of whateve you are been officially contributing towards EOS in positive way or not. However redistributed these RAM trading fee tokens instead of burning them to those EOS tokens who have staked would allocate this value to them only.
The average EOS token holder only has one reason to stake his or her tokens & reason is to vote. So through rewarding token holders who stake you would be rewarding token holders who vote essentially regardless of who they vote for.
Currently voting has a cost. Time and research cost. I want to lower it to zero by of setting cost with rewards redistribution of network income to staked token holders has a much perceived value than burning them. It will lower RAM costs by creating opportunity cost. - @dan
Rich the Kid Video with EOS Logo as an electric car, he MAY have been paid by EOS to do this, OR it was just collective consciousness?
- I found some Ice Cube Vaporwave!
Thanks fot valuable info
thank for sharing, i love EOS
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good info to know. thank you for sharing!
It is in this that we find the beauty of crypto @ackza
Are this is your car?amazing model of car i like it and i also agreed with in this subject.
Thanks for sharing sir @ackza.