This is an old REAL US Military Program by Major Ed Dames, Airforce, and this was used to steal Soviet Nuclear Missile Codes from inside safes, and Russians had toi develop special WIFI router like systems that BLOCK Psychic Remote viewers from getting in :D
Military Remote Viewing Psychic Training Course
@kumarpoly let us get a massive African Remote Viewing HUB and parallele RAID like 1000 Brains or 10,000 brains of Steemians in Ghana and Nigeria, and we need to
Standardized procedure, 20% error rate, your data will be 80% Correct.
And Airforce Major Ed Dames here explained how, " Humans live life in 3 second segments, "moments" You can PAUSE and take a Hypothetical patterns of information, and you need 3 seconds to process the information. JUST LIKE THE STEEM 3 SECOND BLOCK TIME hHAHAHAHAHAA YES YES YES I JUSt found this out! LOL :D We need Neurofeedback on the Block Chain!
"The CIA's Greatest Weapon as the power to change yur life forever"
go to 9 mins or a little before, and pay attention to the part whre they show how they draw the information on the paper, youre porinting shapes with your hand autoamtically untill you can get some readable symbol that you can the analyse, but FIRST you have to get good at "Targeting" imagining teh targetlike Steem price in ne year or two years
Discover how to develop and use your own psychic Remote Viewing skills using scientifically proven methods. The proof is in the results. Remote Viewing is similar to clairvoyance or ESP, and is a scientifically proven natural ability everyone possesses.
Normally attending a Work Shop to learn to do Remote Viewing can cost over $300.00 but now from the comfort of your own computer you can learn the art of this intuitive science in this special 2-Hour presentation for only the price of a Youtube Movie Rental.
In the field of parapsychology, remote viewing is a military term for extrasensory perception. Remote Viewing is the art of projecting the mind across time and space and allows a "viewer" to use his or her intuitive abilities to gather information on a target consisting of an object, place, or person which is hidden from the physical perception of the viewer and typically separated from the viewer in space and time.
The Operation Mindazzle Remote Viewing course by Major Ed Dames and F.M. Bonsall, was developed utilizing the latest protocols and methods to provide the most effective and comprehensive psychic training program in the world. Includes two hours of spellbinding instruction from the best-known most credible Remote Viewing authorities in the world today.
LEARN to see across great distance, beyond the limits of time and space.
UNDERSTAND basic Remote Viewing structure.
DEMONSTRATE proper RV mechanics.
PERFORM basic exorcises to increase skill.
RECORD what you are seeing.
Youtube Movie Rentals may not be available in all countries world wide. Check with Youtube for a list of available countries.
Operation Mindazzle - Military Remote Viewing Psychic Training Course - Now on DVD - 120 mins. Cat. #U658. Go to Also available are the Mindazzle Operations Manual and Task Sheets shown in the presentation which can be downloaded in PDF form at our web site
All the templates you need to follow along with the video are here
If the US Military was funding this, theer must be some real results they achieved so this must be legit and I KNOW it is I have met many peopel who have trained under Ed Dames but his vidoes do th same effect, you can become a ":Social Media Influencer" and just really your remote viewing future crypto prices :D