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RE: Updates Image of EOS Transaction Speeds vs Visa, Steem, Ripple, Paypal, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, BTC, 1 million transactions per second, steem with 10,000. Now the world KNOWS the truth

in #eos7 years ago

WARNING: prepare for a CRAZY message with lots of emotion and WTF stuff but if dontw anna deal with it dont read! its not too bad, im just kinda scolding u for this comment and ur assumption that EOS cant be bought by american dor chinese, which is just crazy nd a huge assumption u made! :D that disclaimer saying no US or chinese is a formality a technicality something to avoid getting sued, plenty fo americans bought EOS and its in no way illegal to hold in USA< EOS doesnt make the law ok? haaha is not congress LOL :D

I thought the whole idea with this block chain was furnace and equality for all people know matter where you come from what religion you are what sex equality for all

WOW that sounds liek SJW leftist nonesense LOLOl but seriusly who told you this?!?!?! blockchain has nothing to do with "equality" haha wtf? peopel are NOT equal, some peopel suck and are much bette rthan others and DESERVE better stuff better TREATMENT and SOME peopel EVEN deserve mopre OR less rights than others! if u disagree with me than you must Cool with a murderer being given all the rights as you have, right? peope; whop mur der children should be given right to freedom and should be allowed to do whateve rthey want riught? vote, have a business, ball teh rights are equal ya> everyoe is equl? see no and plenty fo cultures suck too plenty of peopel form different parts of the world are not as good and not as ncie productive and helpful as OTHER peopels, not evryone is equal!!

Sex? religeon? hahh what does that have to do with EOS??? WTF ,man?!?! hahaha who told you that Bl;ockchain was setup to help make all peopel equal? wtf this is not communism!

And Who told you to go to the EOS ICO? I didnt tell you to go there to buy EOS! WHy are you assuming that this ICO that you went to on your own, is the only place to buy EOS?
I told you to buy EOS over Bitshares or exodus or binance! .... you dont have to buy it over the ICO... you buy EOS on Bitshares openledger,.io or Binance ... hell even Kraken an American exchange sells EOS! shouldn that tell u something?

The INVENTOR and bigest holders are american... LOL :D sorry for being so harsh i know you are just on of thjose peopel wgho looks too deeply into fine details and gets caught up on a rusty nail and your whole sweater unravels! hah ok just kidding, ur sweater is fine, but u did get caught up on something that wasnt suposed to do that,.... its just sup[osed to make governmet workers think that i guess...

if you followed EOS from the beginning you would know that this was strictly a formalty, its not anythingmre than something the lawyers had them put in so that the US government could not cause a single problem for them... this is just a way for the EOS team to avoid probvlems with the government when EOS price geos way up and they claim it violated some dumb US law...

You can buiy the tokens... no one told uyou you had to go through the ICO to buiy an erc20 token,.... the ICo already launched back in summer 2017! And since then you could buy EOS tokens on Biotshares and on Exodus Shapeshift!

I bought my first ones over but since that makes you register them and ethereum network was broken and not letting me register, now i have to try it again and spend $6 to regisdter eos tokens OR just move yhthem into my binance or bitshares open.EOS because honestly id rather just let teh exchange swap the toens for me, anyway if u dont register the tokens u will be able tio swap them in later because no way EOS peopel are gonna give those tokens to ANYONE else... theres only 1 billio being released, and only 1 billion erc20 tokens... its 1:1 no excuses so if u dont register in tiemf or the FIRST block taht fine you will gt to be swap ur tokens later and i wish @dan and would kinda clarify that you wont loose your money even if u don regsoetr by the spefici time, and tht you just will have to wait till afte rthe genesis block, i mean, u wont miss out on much by havig to wait

i just cannot imagien a world where people are not able to swap their rc20 for the real tokens...

altho piecoin pulled this shit and @trevonjb should really refund me for recomending a coin that stole from its users on cryptopia , i was unable to redeem my piecoins because without any warning they did some bullshit where they made a new fucking piecoin, made LES SThan the OLD coin, and titaly stole all my value, left me with a coin on cryptopia hat i CANNOt sell now, its STUCK and i cant even withdraw it, its bullshit, and no one at piecoin will give me the NEW coins that i would have been able to sell for bitcoin, criminals who should be banned from all exchnges, piecopin owes me tokens and you cannot have a similar situation with EOS or EOS will have too many porblems

u cannot just sellERc20 toeksn and make a DEDLINE to cash them in for REAL toens... thats NOT what will hapen, @dan will be HONORING ALL erc20 tokens NO MATTER WHEN you regiter them! many peopel wont be ABLE top regiter them forone reaosn or another and you cannot just expect everuyone on earth to have the technical ability and EXPERTEESE required to register erc20 tokens, its EXTREMELY complciated for ANY average p[erson, no way they can handle using ethereum contracts! hah it even SOUNDSlike u need a PHD to operate... i am very angry at peopel who claim that you MUST register yoru EOS tokens or risk loosing all your money as if the EOS tokens YOU purchased would be given away to someoene else??? no you have an EOS erc20 tokens you WILL be able to swap it for the REAL eos token NO MATTER WHAT u may just not get to particiapte in the genesis block voting r whatever but for example open.EOS is not registred, THEY will e giving EOS to everyone who bought it

Binance is not showing ANYTHING about how they registsred ,... u think big exchnages wpuld let custoemrs buy a token that EXPIRES?!?!?!?! Its the same asa hard fpork! if u have the private key u will get the new token!

END OF STORY i wish peopel would stop spreading FUD about EOS!

Not that you did i went off topic there about the registration but yeah sorryf or going off topic i had to explain a lot there

ANYWAY I wanna just make sure you know that you didnt have to go off on a whole thing about freedom and hahaa come on who teh hell todl u blockchain was about equal rights> fuck that shit man! ur makin this political lol its not

its just fine print technicality! but seriously u can buy EOS u just didnt even TRY man! u seriously only looked at the ico?? go uy them on binance like i always tell peopel to! even exodus works now but Bitshares openledger is the best cheaopest way! binance makes you have like $20 befroe u can even buy any u cnat even buy 1 or half a one u have to ue bitshares openledger,.io to buy liuek 1 EOS at a time

duuuude hahah its all good i wil help u get EOS again sorry for my crazy message!