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RE: What does this mean?

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

i think they only going to support the huge investors and no more support for small investor's and i think the end result of this will be bad because peoples will start leaving the EOS and they will only have certain investor's and this is not going to produce any good results for them.


I do think you miss-understood what a DAC is.

A DAC is a Decentralized Autonomous Community. EOS, on June the Third, will become the biggest DACs which has ever existed inside the cyberspace.

What does this means, that means that on June the 3rd, EOS will not be anymore between the hands of, EOS will be between the hands of its community. There will be no pyramidal and antidemocratic decision taken by a few as the management of EOS will be horizontal. For any kind of decision regarding EOS, a consensus will have to be reached by the community. Community will have to elect 21 miners and that's not all.

We have here a great example of electronic democracy, breaking all the old business models from the past.

Enjoy your Sunday,

Sounds like it at this point. Most ICOs are very top-heavy.