⚡Murmur is giving first 10K new users Free EOS accounts and 100 MUR tokens for downloading and using the app. Also earn 40 MUR for each referral upto max 3 invites.
How to join
🔹Download the Murmur Android APP here
🔹Click ‘create a new EOS account’ and follow the steps prompted.
use : "hakeemqazeem"
🔹 You will get free EOS account if you are among the first 10K user.
🔹 Once your account is activated (within 24hrs), log in and refer Murmur to at least 2 friends .
🔹 Actively publish for at least 30 days and get rewarded at the end of Day 30 with the 100 MUR Tokens.
👥 Also earn 40 MUR for each referral upto max 3 invites.
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