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RE: Did Brendan Blumer (EOS) just say Bitcoin is an ICO at NYC FinTech?! Not quite, but sounds about right!

in #eos8 years ago

thanks for the "advice"... and within only hours that you suggested that "soon bitcoin reaches to the sky", bitcoin drops 400+! lol

I do think, however, you may have missed this part of my article...

I'll point people towards what I find "interesting", but I've learned long ago that "stock tips" almost never end well. It's up to each of us to "pick our poison". And I'll guarantee you that if I told people I'm "loading the boat on STEEM" while it's at 10 cents (based on my risk criteria and time horizon), there will be some bozo who will come back hating me later, crying how my "advice" got them 100% long STEEM at $3 bucks for a short-term trade, and now they're sitting on a 60% long-term capital loss.