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RE: In Defense of Consortium Blockchains

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

One of the problems is that capitalization required to keep Moore's Law advancing at sufficient economies-of-scale keeps the state-of-the-art fabs under the control of the banksters (aka the Zionists). Thus via those means and others they will continue to have first access to the highest efficiency and lowest (even free charged to the collective) power costs. I agree with Dan's assessment that supranational TPTB will control mining. I disagree with him that nation-states will control it.

IMO, Bitcoin was clearly created by the Zionists to destroy the nation-states and usher in their control of the NWO. I covered some of the technical features that Satoshi designed as more evidence of this. See my past blogs and comments for the details. I grow weary of repeating myself and digging up past posts of mine from my voluminous archives.

I and others claim IOTA does not reach consensus without their centralized Coordinator. They've been challenged to remove it and have not. Or perhaps they will if they secretly control enough sockpuppets of stake to maintain the same dominance that Coordinator provides. In short, my study of the Tangle algorithm concludes it does not converge without centralized control.