I'm pretty psyched to see what EOS is gonna do. The more I've gotten into Steemit the more I see it as a work of genius which creates some expectation for what Dan and his team might deliver with EOS.
That bug the chinese company just found could have been very bad, and it'll be a shame if something gets through and theres a DAO situation or worse in the early days, but failing that I think things are looking very good for EOS.
A big question I'm wondering about is if there will be something there that 'fixes' steem? For new users, this platform can easily look very broken. The intention and potential is amazing, the corruption is disheartening. If there is a new steem on EOS could it potential be a fork (ok not a literal one) of the current steem ecosystem? Ie with content and users migrated over there?
discussions like this one started by @donkeypong suggest there would be a lot of resistance here to an EOS social network, but if invested steem users found they only had to claim their private keys and all their content was ready to go on a new network then this platform might crumble very quickly.
Did not know about the do-not-support-EOS-posts discussion. There have been some clashes before.
To me EOS is blockchain technology that has a big promise. Many projects could run on it. It has potential. And Daniel Larimer stated that it could run Steem, besides other projects. To me that is about potential.
Steem has its own challenges and I doubt if it will migrate to the EOS blockchain. This was also mentioned as an example. Because Smart Contracts can be programmed in C++ and compiled into WASM. That would mean the Steem source-code could be ported in theory, but I doubt it will.
EOS will lay out its own unique course. And a lot of severe high risk bugs have been found and fixed.
Some competition for Steem will come from EOS, or projects build on it. Yet Steem has its own challenges and follows its own unique path. Where Smart Media Tokens will be a game changer.
Both can excist and serve many purposes in their own unique way.