We have all been wondering or hearing things related to this upcoming token swap/registry ever since EOS was launched last year.
Binance has officially announced that if you are holding your tokens on their exchange at the time the wallet snapshot is done and the EOS tokens need to be swapped, they will handle everything for you.
All info below.
Always risk of storing coins on exchanges, we know this, etc etc.......
Other wallets or ways to deal with this are already out and announced.
I will continue to post on this topic.
Here's the official releases from Binance and KuCoin released recently:
Both links here and an excerpt from Binance
Since they essentially say the same thing
Fellow Binancians,
Binance would like to confirm that we will support the EOS MainNet Token Swap. We will handle all technical requirements involved for all users holding EOS.
Thanks for your support!
-- Binance Team
What about those who hodl without exchanges? Are any software wallets set up for EOS yet, or should one send them back to Bitshares as an EOS token directly? At this point all EOS are registered to an ETH smart contract.
I had read this post from reddit on how to register the tokens yourself:
Hope this helps!
I already registered tokens to an ethereum smart contract address. I'm interested in what comes after that in June. I know that at that time a snapshot of all the tokens that are registered will be put on one or more of the EOS blockchains. But then comes spending the UTXO's to another address (if you want to move them). Are there any wallets developed? Or are you left to write your own wallet application?
Nice photos. they deserve an award. It is very nice. great work
Question. Will you still have to register, if you hold eos on the bitshares platform?