We are EOS community members looking for a more transparent communication. We are concernd about the use of cloud services such as Amazon/Google servers as a BP's primary server. As a BP canidate, do you have a dedicated (bare metal) infrastructure for the EOS platform?
We will be contacting BP candidates on the daily basis and updatethis thread to ensure our network will not depend in third parties much less monopoly companies as Google and Amazon!
Block Producers Candidate
1 eosauthority / United Kingdom / https://eosauthority.com
2 eosliquideos / Israel / http://vote.liquideos.com/
3 eosyskoreabp / South Korea / http://eosys.io
4 eosnewyorkio / Cook Islands / https://bp.eosnewyork.io
5 eoscanadacom / Canada / https://www.eoscanada.com
6 eoseouldotio / South Korea / https://portal.eoseoul.io
7 tokenika4eos / Poland / https://tokenika.io/
8 eosnodeonebp / South Korea / http://www.eosnodeone.io
9 eosdacserver / Anguilla, AI / https://eosdac.io
10 eosflytomars / China / http://www.bitmars.one
11 eosisgravity / China / http://eosgravity.com
12 sheos21sheos / Spain / https://sheos.org
13 cypherglasss / USA / http://cypherglass.com
14 argentinaeos / Argentina / https://www.eosargentina.io
15 eoscannonchn /South Korea / https://eoscannon.io
16 eos42freedom / United Kingdom / https://www.eos42.io
17 eosswedenorg / Sweden / https://eossweden.se
18 eoscafeblock / Canada / https://eoscafecalgary.com
19 eosiomeetone / Singapore / https://meet.one
20 eosbeijingbp / China / http://www.eosbeijing.one
21 eosriobrazil / Brazil / https://eosrio.io
22 teamgreymass / USA / https://greymass.com
23 eosnationftw / Canada / https://bp.eosnation.io
24 eosphereiobp / Australia / https://www.eosphere.io
25 eosstorebest / Beijing / http://www.eos.store
26 eoshuobipool / Australia / http://eoshuobipool.com
27 eostribeprod / USA / https://eostribe.io
28 cryptolions1 / Ukraine / http://CryptoLions.io
Very basic website it sounds like cloud service!29 libertyblock / Country? / http://libertyblock.io
30 eosasia11111 / Hong Kong / https://www.eosasia.one
31 helloeoscnbp / China / https://www.helloeos.com.cn
32 eosdublinwow / Dublin Ireland / https://eosdublin.com
33 eosbixinboot / Hong Kong / http://en.eosbixin.com
34 eossv12eossv / USA / http://eossiliconvalley.io
35 eosamsterdam / Netherlands / https://eosamsterdam.net
36 blocksmithio / USA / https://eosBlockSmith.io
37 eosvibesbloc / Netherlands / https://eosvibes.io
38 jedaaaaaaaaa / Japan / http://www.eosjapan.org
39 aus1genereos / Australia / http://www.genereos.io
40 acroeos12345 / South Korea / http://www.acroeos.one
41 eosiodetroit / USA / https://eosdetroit.io
42 eostitanprod / Canada / https://eostitan.com
43 hkeoshkeosbp / Hong Kong / https://www.hkeos.com
44 oraclegogogo / China / https://oraclechain.io
45 chainriftxxx / Slovenia / https://eos.chainrift.com
46 eossocalprod / USA / http://eossocal.io
47 eosonoeosono / China / https://ono.chat
48 eoslaomaocom / Japan / https://eoslaomao.com
49 eosvietnambp / Viet Nam / https://eosviet.io
50 philippinebp / Philippines / https://eosph.io
51 eosafricaone / South Africa / http://bp.eosio.africa
52 1eostheworld / Puerto Rico / https://eostheworld.io
53 bitspacenode / Norway / https://eos.bitspace.no
54 blockmatrix1 / United Kingdom / https://blockmatrix.network
55 bitfinexeos1 / Bitfinex Exchange / https://www.bitfinex.com
56 emergepoland / Poland / http://eosemerge.io
57 eosvenezuela / Venezuela / https://eosvenezuela.io
58 eosgermanybp / Germany / https://eosgermany.one
Very basic website it sounds like cloud service!59 eosflareiobp / Country? / https://eosflare.io
60 eosfishrocks / Hong Kong / https://eos.fish
61 eosnairobike / Kenya / www.eosnairobi.io
62 eoslovebirds / Eslovenia / http://eoslove.io/
63 blockpro1eos / India / http://blockpro.one/
64 eospaygatebp / South Korea / https://www.eospay.host
65 jrrcryptoeos / China / http://www.eosjrr.io/
66 eoshenzhenio / Hong Kong / https://eoshenzhen.io
67 eosbarcelona / Spain / http://eosbarcelona.com
68 eosunion1111 / Hong Kong / http://eosunion.io/
69 eoslithuania / Lithuania / https://eosio.lt/
70 geosoneforbp / Singapore / https://www.geos.one
71 eosmedinodes / Spain / http://eosmedi.com
72 eoscybexiobp / China / https://eos.cybex.io/
73 eosmetaliobp / Iceland / https://eosmetal.io
74 eosrussiacom / Russian / http://eos.adenso.ru
75 dutcheosxxxx / Holand / https://DutchEOS.io
76 eoszonrussia / Russia / http://eoszon.io
77 blockgenicbp / USA / http://blockgenic.io
78 eosantpoolbp / China / https://www.eosantpool.com
79 eosmesodotio / Guatemala / https://eosmeso.io
80 ha4daobxg4ge / Singapore / http://eos.medishares.org
81 privexinceos / Germany / https://bp.privex.io
82 keoskorea111 / South Korea / https://keos.kr
83 eosvancouver / Canada / http://www.eosvan.io
84 bpkhmereoskh / Cambodia / https://eoskh.com
85 saltblockeos / United States of America / https://www.saltblock.io
86 costaricaeos / Costa Rica / http://eoscostarica.io
87 bp2bp2bp2bp2 / Puerto Rico / https://bp2.io
88 123singapore / Singapore / http://eos.vote
89 eosrealbpcsg / Singapore / http://www.eosreal.com
90 alohaeosprod / USA / https://www.alohaeos.com
91 eosukblocpro / United Kingdom / https://eosuk.io
92 eospaceioeos / China / https://eospace.io
93 gy3dqnjtgyge / Russian / http://eosbattles.com
94 eosvillagebp / China / https://eosvillage.io
95 buildteameos / South Africa / https://buildteam.io/
As the name lead us to a cloud I assume is a cloud server!96 eoswancloud1 / Hong Kong / https://eos.wancloud.cloud/bp.json
97 eosindiaiobp / India / https://eosindia.io/bp_info.json
98 eosiosg11111 / Singapore / https://0xdeadlock.keybase.pub
99 blockeosioio / USA / https://blockeos.io
100 blockchained / Russia / https://eos.blckchnd.com
101 eosgalaxybp1 / China / http://www.eosgalaxy.io
102 eoshcchealth / Singapore / https://eoshcc.keybase.pub
103 eospacificbp / Hong Kong / https://www.nodepacific.com/
104 eosgreeniobp / Poland / https://eosgreen.io
105 onechaindapp / China / http://eosdapp.oneeos.org/
106 eosdanhuausa / USA / http://www.infinitystones.io/eos/bp_info.json
107 worblieosbp1 /USA / https://eos.worbli.io
108 eosamericas2 / USA / http://www.eosamericas.com
109 eoswenzhoubp / China / http://eoswz.com
110 eosjapanclub / Japan / http://eosjapan.co.jp
111 eosnetworkio / Germany / http://www.eosnetwork.io
112 eosecoeoseco / China / https://eoseco.com
113 top111111111 / British Virgin Islands / https://top.one/bp_info.json/
114 eosgamesboot / China / http://eos.games
115 eosromania22 / Greece / https://www.facebook.com/EOSro
116 eoswtzeoswtz / China / http://www.eoswtz.com/
117 chainclubeos / Australia / http://eosio.university/
118 eosarabianet / Dubai / http://eosarabia.net/
119 bpacbpacbpac / India / https://bpac.io
120 unlimitedeos / China / http://www.unlimitedeos.com/bp.json
121 eosarmyioant / Holand / https://keybase.pub/phajek
No info founded relative to the candidate!122 eoslawyereos / Country? / https://eos.lawyer/bp_info.json
123 eosyosemitex / USA / https://yosemitex.com
124 stakedstaked / USA / https://staked.us
125 roelandp1eos / Holand / https://roelandp.nl/eos
126 superoneiobp / China / https://superone.io
127 eosteaeostea / China / https://eostea.io
128 activeeoscom / USA / https://www.activeeos.com
129 eosmiamidade / USA / http://eos.miami
130 eosholdings1 / Canadian / http://eos.holdings
No info found about the candidate.131 oasisproduce / Country? / http://eosoasis.io
Nice concept where just women are allowed!132 sheleaders21 / China / https://www.sheleaders.one/
133 csxcommunity / USA / https://www.csx.io
134 deneosioblck / USA / https://deneos_io.keybase.pub/bp_info.json
135 eosninetiess / China / http://www.eos90s.io/
136 eoshorizon11 / Country? / https://eoshorizon.ca
137 taxreliefeos / USA / https://eostaxrelief.com/bp_info.json
138 bchainlabeos / Ukraine / https://blockchainlab.me
139 iamtheeosabp / Country? / Site?
No info found for the candidate
140 eosfutureldn / United Kingdom / http://eosfuture.io/
141 eosraychains / Hong Kong / https://www.eosraychain.com
Developing a planes game on EOS.142 eosplaneprod / Country? / https://eosplane.top
143 tchaineospro / USA / http://thetchain.com/eos
144 eosbepalsafe / China / https://eos.bepal.io
145 eosmotioneos / China / https://project.motion.one
146 bitcoingod11 / China / https://eos.bitcoingod.org/
147 eostark11111 / China / www.eostark.com
148 ha3dkojwguge / Columbia / blockchainatcolumbia.com
149 blockcceosio / China / https://eos.block.cc/
150 spearfundoh1 / USA / http://spear.fund
151 eosninecatbp / Canada / http://www.eos9cat.com
152 disfundbpeos / Russia / https://alexbond.keybase.pub/eos_df_bp.json
153 gqydmnbyguge / Country? / Site?
No info found for the candidate
154 onerootlleos / USA / http://oneroot.io
No info found for the candidate155 dposclubprod / Country / https://dpos.club/bp.json
156 eosthushuimu / China / http://www.eosthu.com
157 wakandabpeos / Country? / Site?
No info found for the candidate
No info found for the candidate158 marketstackd / Country? / https://marketstack.keybase.pub/bp_info.json
159 zbeosbp11111 / Samoa / http://www.zbeos.com
160 eoscocoshost / China / http://www.cocosbcx.io/
161 eosgenblockp / Hong Kong / https://eosgen.keybase.pub/bp.json
162 daoeosbpbwin / China / http://www.daoeos.io
No info found for the candidate163 eostexasserv / USA / http://www.eostex.com
No info found for the candidate164 guytmmrrgmge / Country? /
165 eosxsinanode / Hong Kong / https://eosxsina.com/
166 eospalliumss / China / http://eospalliums.org
167 franceosysbp / France / https://franceos.fr
168 germaneostop / Germany / http://www.germaneos.de
No info found for the candidate169 whateosbp111 / Country? / http://www.whateos.com/BP_info.json/
170 gyzdeobshege /Canada / https://mainnet.eoscanada.com
why is eosromania22 listed in Greece? that's an error. where is this list coming from?