Indeed exciting times, from my perspective or the launch group should issue recommendations and warnings for wallets and voting tools to get clarification. As of now anybody not being a programmer needs to trust google, youtube and social media including steemit. There is a massive risk that scammers will use this vacuum and profit from it.
As part of the Launch group, can you raise this issue?
We have , the only recommended way to vote is CLEOS from the EMLG.
There are lots of wallets and voting portals already built, but they haven't been independently tested yet. We may stand up our own one on , but for now my recommendation would be if you aren't already comfortable using CLEOS , then relax and give it some time.
Election of BPs will be continuous forever, so keep yourself and your keys safe and wait until we have some more mature solutions.
BPs will come and go. EOS Mainnet will be there and powering on regardless.
Thanks for the comment.