BitShares - TUSC Gateway

in #eos2 years ago (edited)


Bit20 Group is pleased to announce the public launch of a TUSC ↔ BitShares gateway at

TUSC, The Universal Settlement Coin, is a cryptocurrency-based payment system with ultra-low fees for retailers, featuring accounts that can never be shut down due to politics. The TUSC community runs a forked version of BitShares, and retains many of the killer features. In a sense TUSC is like a cousin of BTS!

The gateway functions in an identical manner as the BTWTY – EOS gateway. To generate a deposit memo simply hit the “Generate Deposit Instructions” and follow the directions – the same on the right-hand side if you’re looking to withdraw.

This is another powerful showcase of a graphene to graphene network connection. Both deposits and withdrawals benefit from fast network confirmation times. Deposits typically confirm within a couple minutes, and the gateway processes free deposits and imposes a flat 3% withdrawal fee. We’re seeking to attract long-term TUSC holders as well as traders to this gateway and it's associated market structure

As of writing there are two liquidity pools for BTWTY.TUSC, and more are actively under consideration. Navigate to the new liquidity pools by visiting and entering "BTWTY.TUSC" in Asset B search box.