Glad to know the community is being promoted. You're very pro EOS, what makes you think it's going to succeed when it isn't even much of a product yet? Upvoted and following
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Glad to know the community is being promoted. You're very pro EOS, what makes you think it's going to succeed when it isn't even much of a product yet? Upvoted and following
lol isnt even much of a product? DO you not see the Dawn 3.0 pre release? Software 9is out man, and what do you think Bitshares and Steem is? Youre USING the EOS product right now mate, its GRAPHENE, its DPOS that IS the product
Dan Larimer has produced blockchains before and now he knows exactly what to do to perfect it, he has prove his ability to create decentralized blockchains which STEEM is, and youre USING it so you should realize, if we can have immutable blogs we can have immutable code and source code for a smart contract and Dapp can run on this blog cspace, imagine Steem with smart contracts, OK now that is what EOS will be!
If you can't see that Dan Larimer knows what he is doing, why even use Steem? By betting on EOS I am betting on Steem as well
I find it strange how so many people are brainwashed into saying EOS is not a product yet
It very well is a product, it has an ERC20 Token, why is that not enough for EOS but its enough for Bitcoin? Bitcoin is just a token, plenty of Erc20sare just tokens and yet people never say they don't have a product
EOS main net is taking registrations, they are registering people, its real, its coming out, if you would bet on the technology and follow the smartest guys in the room youd know that this is an insiders game and whenyou know insiders and talk to them as much as I do you realize that there IS Nothing else in the blockchain Smart contract space but EOS and Ethereum.... NEO and Cardano are mostly vaporware, cardano much more than NEO, but they're all trash except for EOS and ethereum and ethereum is going toi really look like trash cpompared to EOS, slow and bulky and expensive like a Panda Bear, compared to a fast cheetah (which will also become expensive :D )
@elgeko made this too
And I just found this one by artist unknown or oh wait I guess its @viralchop ?