As the main net launches, we thought we'd summarize the last of our pre-launch activities.
Jungle Testnet
Yes, we will maintain the Jungle Testnet into the future. It will be a testing environment for code updates, a training environment for BPs, and perhaps an on-boarding environment for Dapps. Thank you for all the awesome people who continue participate in the testnet. Your enthusiasm and skill brings out the best in us.
The Jungle Testnet remained in active test-mode right up until the launch, with participation from core devs,, including Bytemaster himself.
- Dan dropped some important advice for BPs regarding key management.
- A game dapp tried a little testing using Jungle EOS.
- The introduction of a Jungle EOS faucet led to its own fun and games:
Meetup in Lviv
- We held an EOS meetup with a room full of developers and enthusiasts in Lviv.
Roman spent a lot of time in Gov and in related groups building consensus for the launch constitution. The goal is to be able to hold critical referendum within 90 days and set up a formal voting process within 180 days.
It took us all by surprise when Block One deleted the governance repositories.
Translation project
We continue quietly translating key articles into Russian with the goal of expanding the EOS eco-system by giving talented Russian speakers easier entry.
Recent translations include these:
- Как Будет Проходить Запуск EOS
- Стандартная операционная процедура для Блок Продюсеров
- Youtube: Что такое EOS (русские субтитры)
- 10 драфтовых статей EOS конституции
- DPOS BFT - конвеерная задача византийских генералов
- EOS анонс - какие тенденции нас ожидают в 2018?
Thank you
It's been an intense, and exciting three months. We're in awe of the quality of the people in this community, and thrilled to see the launch happening right now. There's still much work to be done, but for now -- Congratulations, everyone. It's going to be a wonderful journey.
Jungle Testnet Monitor:
General CryptoLions Chat:
Testnet Chat:
Great update. Thanks for the insights! Very glad we didn't get a minimal constitution. I must say though that I'm still disappointed about the change to article 1.
Regarding article 1. I think everyone agrees on the goals:
The only disagreement is whether a categorical rejection of non-initiation of aggressions helps or harms these goals. I'm sure we'll come together after some discussion.
Especially because this only touches edge cases in EOS.
All good. I heard talk of a convention even! The most significant innovation in Eos could turn out to be it's governance. Very interested to see how it evolves and how we choose to use it.
A job well done CryptoLions !
Glad to know the testnet will go on!
A very needed service.
Count with my votes
Best wishes!