Stephane Bisson
Montreal, QC
- Community Engagement
- Social Media Coordinator
Social Media
The path that has led me to EOS is not a common one. After studying business administration at Ottawa University, I found myself working a job that did not inspire me, surrounded mostly by people I did not enjoy being around. Waking up in the morning depressed at the thought of another day, I eventually left my federal government job. I stopped listening to what others thought I should do and started listening to what I wanted to do. It’s been a wild ride ever since and it feels like my life-satisfaction graph went parabolic, constantly reaching new all time highs. I've been able to use one of my passions, poker, to fuel my other passions in life which include hanging out with friends, traveling, sports, learning and all sorts of summer and winter backcountry adventures.
I also enjoy learning about psychology, behavioral-economics, incentives and game theory. Striving to always be game theory optimal at the poker table has transferred over to many other areas of my life. Falling in love with the ideology and efficiency of cryptoassets felt very natural once I started going down the rabbit hole of crypto knowledge.
I started to invest in cryptoassets in early 2017 and as a way to verify my investment thesis, I turned my facebook profile into a daily source of crypto teaser posts. My goal was to get people curious enough to chat with me so I could teach them what I knew about cryptoassets and decentralization. Once I got people to take the time to call me, I realized that most agreed with my philosophies. Having confirmed my investment thesis, I poured as much time and money as I could into crypto and kept educating myself and others.
Moving forward, I want to invest my time and capital into helping create the decentralized world we all dream of. I enjoy educating people on cryptoassets and I am very excited to focus my efforts on growing the EOS Nation through education and community engagement in 2018 and beyond!
Inspired by Dan Larimer, I also commit myself to helping build free market solutions to secure life, liberty and property for all.
Denis Carriere
Ottawa, ON
- Block Producer Infrastructure
- DApps Team
- Enterprise Architect
Social Media
I am a full-stack web & GIS developer and a strong advocate for open source software & open data, living and breathing open source with over 4,800+ GitHub commits this year alone. Currently I am one of the core developers for TurfJS(Advanced geospatial analysis for browsers and Node.js) and a developer for (A shared language for the world's streets). On my downtime, I am the event organizer for OpenStreetMap & EOS in Ottawa & I travel internationally/locally attending technology conferences.
Jean Carriere
Toronto, ON
- Enterprise Architect
Social Media
I am an entrepreneurial technology educator and consultant for open data. I leverages an open data workflow for the modeling of building information using energy modeling software applications and geospatial systems. My journey of discovery has pioneered a data exchange framework that enables architects and engineers to reach beyond software applications. I believe decentralized networks have the potential to help us understand and advise on technology infrastructure gaps.
Lenny Goudreault
Gatineau, QC
- Community Engagement
- Social Media Coordinator
Social Media
While working in project management in construction, I have completed my Masters degree in architecture and am now working as an Architect graduate in the largest architecture firm in Gatineau, Quebec.
I am also the co-founder of Cryptek which is an organisation that aims to build content in french to educate the community about cryptoassets and blockchain technology. We also organize meetups to share our knowledge with the community and I am thrilled to continue these efforts with the EOS Nation.
I plan to transition into working full time in the crypto space once as soon as I have completed my current architecture commitments. My main goal is to share with the community the vision of decentralization and how it will impact our world positively. I am happy to be working toward Dan Larimer's vision for a non-violent society that is self-governed and where everyone's life, liberty and property are properly secured.
Vincent Grenier
Sherbrooke, QC
- Community Engagement
- Social Media Coordinator
Social Media
I eat, sleep and breathe EOS. Although I works as a Structural Engineer full-time, I listen to EOS and Crypto content while working and during my spare time. I am incredibly enthusiastic about the project and the future it will bring. My mission is to help as much as I can to fulfill Dan Larimer’s vision of a new society. My goal is to make a difference in this new ecosystem by educating people about EOS by creating EOS meetups and speaking about EOS at conferences.
Daniel Keyes
Toronto, ON
- Community Engagement
- EOS Toronto
Social Media
Born, raised and living in Toronto. Earned a Bachelor of Journalism from Ryerson University in 2009.
Woken out of slumber during an LSD trip in university, inspired to live a life dedicated to the values of Truth, Love, and Freedom. Like a lonely leaf on a branch suddenly discovering I’m attached to a beautiful tree.
Worked briefly as a chase producer for Global TV.
Been working in Financial Technology for the past 10 years in various capacities: customer service, sales, sales coaching, agent training, digital marketing, digital process management (LEAN green belt), and digital messaging product management (certified scrum master, certified product owner). At work I'm known for my customer focus, technology expertise, relationship building skills, and ability to bring those together to design great digital customer experiences.
I was briefly director of operations and marketing at a blockchain consulting firm, but I walked away because I wasn’t a fan of the private ledger direction they were heading in. (Ethereum wasn't able to satisfy any practical business use cases - that's when I started looking for opportunities in the EOS community).
In my free time, I like to learn about Austrian Economics, technology (especially blockchain), and the philosophy of ethics. I enjoy time with my thoughts in nature, as well as making genuine connections with my community. I'm by no means a developer, but I have some aptitude for coding. I coded my first website in the 7th grade on a hand-me-down Mac clone. I've since lost touch with my HTML skills, but have some pretty mean wordpress game. I've dabbled with SQL at work, and have recently started learning C++.
Like our friend Dan Larimer, I’d like to dedicate myself to creating free market solutions to secure life, liberty and property.
I recently started the EOS Toronto meetup and I am excited to continue to grow the EOS Nation!
Yves La Rose
Ottawa, ON
- Research & Development
- Special Advisor
Social Media
Like many others on the EOS Nation team, I am passionate about blockchain technology and the decentralized future that EOS will bring. I am self-funded and have been focusing on EOS full-time since March 2018. I began my journey into computers at a very young age, building my first computer at 6 years old. I have always had a deep ideological relationship with computers and their role in decentralization. I began my university studies in software engineering, but quickly realized the human aspect was where my heart resided. After completing studies in psychology and pure sciences, I bridged the gap by focusing on perceptual and computational neuropsychology. In my professional life, I bring my background and experience to organizations looking to create autonomous efficiencies and effectiveness to processes using technology. When I am not in front of a computer, I am an avid reader, a lover of the outdoors - some of you may have crossed me on one of my many backcountry expeditions - and a world traveller. I am fluent in Japanese having spent the early part of my formative adult years living in Japan.
David Requenez
Texas, USA
- EOS Nation Facebook Group (Admin and Founder)
- Community Engagement
- Multimedia Design
Social Media
I’ve lived in Texas all my life and am of Hispanic heritage, a 3rd generation college graduate and earned an MBA in 2011, acquired experience in education/education administration and worked business startups in education and design. I’ve had an eye in the blockchain space since 2010. I followed big names in the industry (Andreas Antonopoulos) and was a bitcoin maximalist for a long time, then I realized Bitcoin was no longer making sense as a P2P money or scaling solution due to miner control and fees. I came across EOS early on… So yeah, 100% of my cryptfolio is EOS! I’ve always been interested in economics, but am convinced that markets are manipulated. I Iived through the Internet boom, housing bust, and Financial Crisis, and am an original RON PAUL 2008 supporter and am driven to study free market economics; I am a big fan of Peter Schiff, Marc Faber & Milton Friedman. I also enjoy and try to stay on the forefront of technology (some experience in web design & coding), so when I saw the man Dan Larimer come about (boom) All in (free market solutions). I see Dan Larimer as the Steve Jobs of Crypto. Other than this, I’m a pretty basic guy with a passion for business development and community growth and engagement. Behind every great project are great people and a community to support them.
EOS Nation - Founding EOS Block Producer Candidate
EOS Nation - Block Producer
#EOSNation #EOSN #EOSBP #BlockProducer #EOSBlockProducer #EOSNBP
God dayyuummm!!!!
Don't you all look like a bunch of cool people haha.
I personally know two of you, Vincent and Daniel, and can certainly vouch for you!
As for the others, I'd love to meet you all in person. When is there an EOS Nation meetup and can I join? :)
David flying up to Ottawa/Gatineau for a few days this summer?
Can I organize a pub night lol?
Wow, some fellow Quebec'ers here!
Salutations à mes petits cousin du Québec! Je partage une belle poutine avec vous:
Sherbrookois!@vincent9432, wow un
Tu es le seul que je connais sur Steemit. J'ai passé la majorité de ma vie a Sherbrooke et elle me manques beaucoup!
Est-ce que tu sais si il y a des gens de Sherbrooke sur Steemit? J'en connais pas un (apart toi maintenant). Je te "follow" sur Steemit.
Salutations depuis la Chine!
P.S.: Ce qui me manques le plus de Sherbrooke (apart ma famille et amis):
Poutine de Chez Louis!
P.S.S.: Go EOS! and apologies for using French here...