Also, as a side note, I have to disagree with your comment, that my "... definition of social fairness is that some people are entitled to getting something for nothing by virtue of being poor or being human."
This is not just my opinion - it is the opinion of many prominent figures around the world, which has made its way into human rights documents, constitutions and, I'm sure you're very much aware of this document, the American Declaration of Independence, containing Thomas Jefferson's popular statement that "All men are created equal".
Thanks to the efforts of such people, today men gain some rights from the very fact they are born human, such as their freedom and also receive the support of the state, should they need it - police protection, medical services, fire services, education and even social wellfare for the poor.
Therefore, if we are creating a decentralized world with no central authority, this should certainly not be a world without fair and equal rights for all (digital) participants.
This is why I ask - what are the long term social benefits of EOS, if the distribution of EOS contains none?