"At any time a user can map their Ethereum address to a public key in one of the following formats:
- EOS Public Keys - EOS4yfYEjUodfs.......DfavaddbvD
- Steem Public Keys - STM4yfYEjUoey4.......UaSt2Sx9W4
- BitShares Public Keys - BTS5WaszCsqVN9.......Wz47B3wUqa"
I'm pretty sure I understand correctly but wanted to confirm, I can use a BTS Public key instead of using the EOS key generator somebody posted, and claim my EOS when it launches using my BTS private key. Correct?
I never got a response regarding this. I just use EOS keys. And it's not just some EOS public generator someone wrote, it's the same generator written by block.one, it's a fork of their repo with all code but generator code stripped out.