thx for the answer. Those are good points and probably explains why it took so long until steemit was running smoothly again when they are busy with something else^^
I reread your article and you mention that EOS is supposed to manage 10k transaction per second. That's a lot but not enough. I imagine, 1000 times as much will be enough for the next 10 years if it is supposed to grow so big. After all the NYSE is not the only high frequency trading platform in the world and AIs are getting better and cheaper by the day. Are there indicators for the maximum of trades per second that can be made?
I will follow you now.
He didn't say EOS is supposed to manage 10k...
He said EOS beta testnest is already running at over 10k tps.
EOS is working on running parallel threads instead of just singular like all of the rest. The goal is to be able to handle at least 1 million transactions per second by the launch.