Dan the man! Loving all that's coming out of that noggin' of yours. Seems the more I dive into blockhain tech, the more you keep popping up! :P
I'm currently a mobile developer and VERY interested in dapps, and go figure my two new fascinations are EOS and Steem. As platforms they are sheer genius.
Actively in the process of immersing myself in blockchain tech (and still have lots to learn) but in regards to the consensus network, I dig the interconnected geometry in order to efficiently correlate the elected nodes. I can see how that coupled with the dynamism of block production vs. broadcast frequency could greatly improve the overall confirmation latency of the network. With everything else under the hood, this enables a whole new realm of near realtime dapp experiences. Hell yea, very excited!
Keep up the great work. And that is also directed to anyone else reading who may be trailblazing these new frontiers, crafting awesome user experiences, and moving the needle towards a more unified world where we all can prosper!
Call me a fan boy but there are far reaching implications in all this 'blockchain/crypto' stuff. Not just from the technological perspective, but from the overarching model of how it works. It enables (and ultimately requires) a strong community for it to even exist. One where prosperity for all involved can occur from its utilization. Granted there are "bad apples" and people will take advantage of others where they can (in the short term at least) but that ultimately cannot be sustained in a system which seeks a symbiotic and balanced relationship.