Yay Awesome news !
LOL for the UFC reference :) that little man Bruce Buffer knows how to fire a crowd up!
so , EOS is like IPFS? It's an infrastructure?
What does it looks like an inverted pentagram? Am I allowed to say that or am I being too esoteric ?
I mean i fail to imagine that meeting, when the main designer said " Let's make our brand a bit Satanic"
Then I didn't buy any so I might be bitter :P hahahah
It wasn’t until yesterday when I drew that EOS logo that I realized... “so the first thing I have to draw is a triangle?? Hmm.....”
Thanks a lot for stopping by Ed, enjoy your Saturday, Privat’s!
Edit: Heck ya you’re allowed to say that!!
Thanks Artie!
Your coin keeps on rising (21%) that's nuuuutz!
Well done ! Plus it has a good effect on all coins so no complain on that part!